Top teams have daily training schedules and this team I’m with can hardly get 5/9 players on once a week and when we do we only play 1-3 games together, how the fuck are they expecting us to get better at all? =/
Before getting better as a team, people need to understand the game. I keep seeing us have comps where we either have no tanks or almost no protection for the carries. I also see people pick a champ, get countered, and start feeding. I’m not saying I’m the sage here but we have seen time and time again WHAT the problems are and they keep repeating.
Booty warrior quotes are up there with my puns for random things I say when not feeding. My favorite one was with redbeard, or blue, or just solo que while I played Alistar jungle.
/all don’t make me ruin dat butt Vayne!
*pops ult, tower dive, get kill
/all I’M A WARRIAH!!!
When I play a normal game or solo queue, and I play AD carry, I notice a lot of people don’t bother trying to protect me, so then they wonder why I’m either fighting the tank or not even in the fight, while someone on enemy team just bee lined straight for me
Jungle Mummy
Top Kennen
Support Nunu
Mid Ziggs
And I’m trying to educate them and myself, I’m constantly linking to articles and video examples and little pointers all the time, and they don’t do the same in return, it’s really fucking frustrating.
Fuck you, I’m shooting whoever I can safely since you’re off playing Rambo.
Sounds like you need to find a different team altogether
I’ve really been leaning twords that as of late, my girlfriend actually made me think of it when we were talking about the comparisons of pro gaming and her job development company in terms of teammates and sub-contractors and the like. Suck that my best friend and another really good one are on the current team, but I really, really feel like I’m the only one that wants to put in any work into getting better as individual player and as a teammate and strategist.
That being said.
I use SoloMid and LoLPro a lot of guides and tips on general play and the like.
What are some other really good competitive resources on the game?
He’s not individually as sticky as gank junglers. He doesn’t have any means of closing super fast/instantly and staying there, and he doesn’t himself have much burst, requiring a more prolonged chase scenario or a really good ganking laner. If you angle skillshots properly, generally a juke is at best a small win for them, as they have to step towards your team, potentially letting them get hit by something else. His ganks are kind of like Mundo’s, in that they are tied almost entirely to hitting a skillshot, but Mundo just has to hit a hero, where Trundle has to get a badass pillar placement to even get hits in on a lot of lanes.
There’s a lot of theoretical potential in Trundle ganks, and if you are really good you can get some savage pillars if you guess right, but it’s a consistency thing. Once again, it’s not that I think Trundle is just complete garbage, although there are a lot of people better at the game than me that think that, it’s just that he isn’t really an ideal pick in any situation I can think of. If we’re playing and you want to play Trundle, I’m not gonna stop you–hell, I play Heimer and Karma and Poppy for fuck’s sake–but I have seen Trundle picks, just like those champions I play, significantly contribute to losses before the game even starts.
Poppy will FUCK peoples shit up
Poppy CAN fuck people’s shit up.
I need to change somethin if i’m not on the active list…
Speaking of poppy, where’s poppy’s damage supposed to come from? I’ve seen a few different poppy builds and i’ve fought a few different poppy’s and while they weren’t completely worthless, they didn’t really have any effect on our team besides a slight inconvenience in our getting to their carries. However, this was always in TT so maybe poppy just isn’t as good in 3’s? I used to think she’d be incredible in 3’s until I saw her in action. So, where’s her damage supposed to come from? From what I see, you just push a fool into a wall, AA+Q him while mitigating all damage from said fool. Am I right or am i missing something?
Instead of complaining just give me your tag, I only had people on my list and my own name, everyone else has been giving me their handles.
All her damage comes from Sheen+ her Q, potentially amplified by her ult and combined with ignite. Tanky heroes are too good on TT to make Poppy worth it.
had a karma mid the other day who did nothing but complain about how OP her lane opponent Zyra was.
edit: there happy!
Was what? Don’t leave us hanging!
Also I think my teams biggest weaknesses is level 1 jungle fights. We essentially fold to them every time, we almost always lose someone, usually lose blue, SOMETIMES we get their blue for a blue trade(where they usually got first blood), and if we get kills it’s at the sacrifice of many more. Not sure if we are just standing in stupid places, or not reacting faster, or we just tend towards weak level one teams or what.
My sweet Garen…you have finally been buffed, maybe, not that I had a problem with you beforehand. This will be a fun week to get me out of my funk.
I try to remember everyone, but until the update comes where you can edit ppl’s names, I kind of stick with the usual people I play with.
Oh :S sorry, I didn’t think that one all the way through. My sincerest apologies sir
IGN: dounu7
Thank you. I’m going to extensively try this out tonight. Should I stack AP and AD like a hybrid or would I get more returns from getting sheen, then stacking AD/survivability items?