The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

I pulve, then walk around to headbutt people back into my team/tower.

That’s ideal if you’re already in range, but usually people don’t just let Alistar walk up to them like that, unless they’re already CC’d or have downs

So can you headbutt, and catch them with pulve before it knocks them away?

I love it when Blitz pulls Alistar and I shit on him so hard you’d think he was Dutch. <3

If you properly execute headbuttpulv, it looks exactly like a Malphite ult

With support alistar, you prevent bot from getting ganked and will be able to make plays after level 6. With jungle alistar, no lane is safe at any level at any time of the game. If you google up why he is banned everywhere (solo que normals, ranked, premades, even tournaments) the reason is always the same “we don’t want to deal with his fucking jungle”. If he gets his W off on you and spaces his Q, you are getting ganked with or without your flash…period.

EDIT: [media=youtube]baleUqW64CM[/media]

eh imo, blitz’s missing grabs don’t deserve any crap, if anyone gets touched by a grab THEY deserve crap.

BTW good job keeping this thread updated ayo.

jungle ali is one of my go to auto wins. pretty much something is happening lvl 2. whether it be summoners burnt or at least a single kill. pretty big advantage for your team in their respective lane. support ali is good too, just not as commanding of a presence as a jungle ali.

Alright, well I’ll update the post with more names when we get some confirmations, until then just shoot through in - game friend requests through to Sabinfrost and I’ll do my best to put a team together, even if we just run normals for practice, it will be good to have something organised up and running.

Ideally, anything we do now as far as getting co - ordination / team comp down is good groundwork for next season, not looking to make it big before this season ends, just looking to get a group together so when the next season starts we can just go.

Damnit you guys. I go away for a day and there’s so much to catch up on here that it takes all day (while at work) <_<

Ok, so, if y’all will have me, I’m willing to join the team. I think that it’s a great idea to start the team now because we can work on team comp, run test games, etc. before season 3 hits. Why get familiar with a bunch of cats when we need to perform at our peak instead of take the time now to get used to each other? Sure, we can do pub games after season 3 arrives, but that’s games spent on casuals instead of ranked.
idk, just my two cents on that one.

summoner’s: dounu7
roles: any lane role. I really suck in the jungle. I never really took the time to watch and learn the intricacies of it. however, hybrids are my favorite: jax, yi (lol hybrid yi is sooo much fun), and kog.

EDIT: nid and blitz are really alike when it comes to skill shots. The biggest difference is that with nid, if you manage to stay ahead of the curve and hit every single jav, everyone hates you soooo much but if you miss any, you’re just like every shitty nid out there. It’s pretty much the extreme opposite with blitz where you just need to land that one awesome grab and everyone loves you again no matter how many you missed before that <_<

PS: how the hell do you stop a really good ali? Even if he isn’t scoring kills he’s the biggest asshole ever. I used to think that of Shen until I learned how to deal with his shit but I still can’t get used to dealing with a really good/aggressive ali. Any tips, info, etc?

Yo, I’ll add you onto the list and we’ll figure something out, we’ll likely all move roles once we figure out who is best at what and what characters we’re all good with.

As for Ali, if he’s building AP (Rylais build) you can burn him whenever rocks are not around him, that’s his ultimate, you just need to ignore him when that shit is up. Otherwise, just kite him and poke, he’s not usually particularly fast and needs to get into that headbutt range if he wants to apply the Rylai’s slow, and that will knock you back, ideally he’s going to want to flash in, pummel and then headbutt you back leaving you with a slow, so if you know your flash range, you should be able to stay at a distance and all he can really do is roar is for some health, he doesn’t have any other options, his auto - attack is ass.

rylais? ap? ali? dafuq…

I expect them to be used more, one because Kat has some good match ups mid, and Draven is hella strong in the laning phase. The problem is his mid game, but with the right team comp he’s unfuckwitable.

That’s how Alistar jungles, Rylai’s + Lich Bane, often with GP5. Alistar has a poor clear time as it is, without Sheen it becomes ludicrous. Laning Alistar (as support, so no farm) just buys GP5, an Aegis and usually support Auras in the late game like Frozen Heart, or Abyssal, a Rylai’s isn’t amiss either. As a jungler, to build the exact same build is stupid however, as support you have 0 CS and likely, not much in the way of kills. Jungling if you’re doing it right, you’ll hopefully get a kill or two in the laning phase (or at least assists) and you’re getting farm from monster kills, so naturally your build is going to be more expensive than a support build.

Yeah, I’m still thinking Smite has nothing on this game. :tup:

ali jungle is not about clear time… thats not even an imo…

Best stuff I learned about Ali Jungle is two things: He can’t really be counter-jungled, he would just fuck them up or sustain himself long enough to find help. That and his ganks are insanely good.

Also damn this thread moving to fast since I made it, checking every damn post is a nightmare lol.

Man - I totally forgot about Syndra…

Hmm - I just realized that Le Blanc would work as well. :rofl:

Since my promotion (AND I’m terrible at LoL :lol:) - I’ll hop on, play a game of Dom and just have a blast playing.
I’m pretty sure just having Frozen Heart, Hexdrinker/Maw, let’s you CC forever in almost any team fight.

Alistar is literally just: hop in the fight, press buttons, yolo, repeat
He doesn’t build damage whatsoever

The 3v3 reset is killing me, just had a down syndrome shen building MBR and a Diana who went AD on my team