The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

Lets pretend Urgot doesn’t exist. Learn Corki/Graves

Double dorans blades and 10 wards.

The problem with team comps is that we play with people who frequently disregard any sense of thought process behind a comp. For instance, I’m almost ALWAYS first pick. So if I go with a high damage low health jungler, top and mid should NOT be picking glass cannons, and support would be better as a Taric or Leona than a Soraka. But everybody just plays what they want to play instead of what works with the champs that are locked in. Most of our nonSRK friends don’t consider synergy outside of their lane. We never have any real discussion about team composition at the character select screen because everybody is too busy yapping about offtopic nonsense.

But I’m sure you’ve noticed I’m trying a bit harder to direct character select conversations recently. Though my method of cutting everybody off with “STFU SO WE CAN DISCUSS THE TEAM” may not be the best approach. I am probably the least patient person of our group as you can tell from my frequent tirades on 1arm. DO YOU KNOW HOW SHITTY I FEEL YELLING AT A GUY WITH ONE ARM ALL THE TIME?

Map awareness is a biggy each individual needs to work on, mine isn’t the greatest either.

I might be interested in a ranked team. I normally play support, but I can do the other roles with varying degrees of competence; top and jungle are probably my weakest.

I’m up for a ranked teams, when I fix my computer from the virus I have… My strongest lanes are top or mid.

I guess I’ll be captain then. The people who I pick as junglers can gank from just about anywhere. I have the worst luck for selecting/banning if we aren’t in a full premade though. I think we should have a minimum of two peelers for the carries.

Don’t feel so bad about yelling, most of the stuff that you say is armless…harmless. Sometimes it’s good to argue since a lot of people will get bad information and follow it with arms wide open. So keep doing what you do so we can build a good army.

AD Carry is all about positioning. In lane against a reasonable lane you need to know where you can stand and what CS you have to miss to not get wrecked in a nasty trade. You have to be really aware of all the resources in the lane, and how much you can afford to commit at any given time. I cannot even tell you how many times I have gotten a kill because their Ashe decided to Volley me as Corki and I just jumped on her ass and killed her.

In teamfights you have to know how close you can afford to get and what angles are the best way to get damage to squishier targets. There are times when staying max distance is not the best way. Sometimes you are going to have to expose yourself to danger to make a teamfight go your way, especially if you get a nice catch or something.

The thing about bot lane is that the support has way more impact on it than the AD Carry. If your support does not have good positioning and lets them take bush control for free or dies when he/she has no business doing so, there’s basically nothing you can do as an AD Carry unless the other lane is just really bad. As for farming, it’s mostly a matter of finding times to clear minions when there’s nothing else to be done. If you mean farming in lane, see above. You just have to have a gleeful appreciation of every minion kill.

And one of the main causes of this is that a lot of the people who always take solo lanes only play two heroes competently, if that. And, even when we do get reasonable comps, people don’t play them properly. We consistently have Leona/Taric supports that dive into the enemy team instead of standing on top of the AD Carry, even though there’s rarely a reason to do that unless they are extremely fed somehow. Also, it’s usually not just a team comp thing. Usually, several lanes lost and we don’t have a good enough comp for catching people or teamfighting when behind. If every lane went at least even, or even close to even, most games, team comp would simply not be as much of an issue. I think of all the times when we lose a teamfight because we don’t have enough damage, and a lot of the times that is not a comp thing, it’s an item thing, usually because someone or several people either 1. farmed horridly in lane or 2. bought stupid items.

Item builds are another aspect of comp that we routinely fail on. Someone might pick GP top on a squishy team, which is fine, since his ult is really good for peeling, engaging, disengaging, but then they build DPS GP, which is not only bad in and of itself, but also does not fit into the team well enough. Similarly taking Ignite over Cleanse on a team with low carry protection, or not having an exhaust against Fiddle/Jax, etc. That and people build the same thing regardless of the enemy team’s comp, how well they are doing, what the team might need, etc.


I don’t even

seems we may be allowed up to 3 refunds sometime soon!
(this pic from pbe)

As soon as I get 3150 IP I guess I will have to shelve jungling and learn adc.

Cute, I looked at my purchase history, and unless mine is glitched, I think they wiped everything before the Zyra patch


Agreed, though I don’t mind being captain all that much as I mind people not paying attention at champ select. I think we could work on some duo comps that might fit the bill well for protecting the rest of our team. I’ll talk to you more about it tonight. Thanks for the pep talk coach.

Yup, as you said it’s not always a team comp thing, its usually more of a fundamentals thing. The team comp issue is one I find we can easily resolve though just by paying the fuck attention at champ select, and that’s my gripe. It doesn’t really take any effort, just some logic, so there is no reason for it to be an issue.

Fundamentals such as CS and Item builds and knowing what summoners to use need work by each individual. I suck at CS some games and have been trying to put a lot of attention towards that on my own, and I’ve been playing the new champs so figuring out my item builds is a work in progress. These are big items on my own personal training list that I agree need work. I also need to learn some patience, people drive me into retard play mode sometimes with the passive 50-60 minute games.

Another thing you mention is building the same items, and man I can’t stress that enough. Some of us need better understanding of “Why” or “When” to buy an item and need to stop carbon copying solomid guides.

It only records things from the last 30 days.

Which means I won’t be able to remove some of my shittier purchases. God damn it.

The Reddit Post

[details=Spoiler]"I guess I should start off by talking about myself a bit. I’m a competitive gamer out of a small town in Michigan that started taking games seriously with Halo 3 on the MLG circuit. Got frustrated after my team ditched me before C-Bus 09 and quit playing.

I picked up Street Fighter 4 on release date and played my first fighting game and picked up many others and played them at high levels and befriending the majority of the MI FGC (Yes Wolfkrone knows me and I’ve eaten dinner with the guy in Vegas after Evo gasp),

I’ve won a tournament here in MI and have travelled all over the country from OH, Vegas for Evolution 2011 World Championships, Northern CA where I lived for a month and played Ricky Ortiz, F. Champ, PR Balrog, LPN, and all the rest of that amazing community on a weekly basis, and soon to be Buffalo, NY when I move there in the next month to live with my girlfriend.

I was also a part of the Fighting Game team The Fighters Alliance since it’s inception in 2010 until about early June of this year, some of our sponsors had included Razer and an affiliation with Gunnar.

What does all of this have to do with League of Legends?

I started playing League I think around a year ago and was absolutely horrible at it, my first Arena RPG, MOBA, Action RTS, whatever you want to call it. It took my tons and tons of games to get a grasp on what I was doing and I stopped playing for month after I started, I picked it up again probably last winter and have been a regular and growing player ever since.

I was a part of a locally grown Ranked 5s team that tanked. I left after they told me that two of the members only wanted to play casually and that it was “just for fun” (AKA I don’t wanna study and learn and get better), so all of the advice and insight and tips I was giving to these players went to waste so I became extremely frustrated and left after a talk with my girlfriend about progression in your passion and things that can hold you back.
I started playing Solo Ranked as soon as I hit 30. With Zilean. Bot.

I lost my 10 placement matches almost instantly and continued to feed like crazy in the lower ELO levels of 750-900. I finalyl started to buckle down and take the game as seriously as I would Fighters and I feel my gameplay is dramatically incresing in skill level even though I’m only at the 1k ELO level. Why do I feel like this?

I put in the time and the study. I watch streams and do League math quite a bit when I’m not playing, and when I do paly, it’s usually for 6+ hours a day. I was on a recent winning streak in Duo Ranked with a local friend and I had gone from 870 to 1048 in two days. I’m hungry and want to grind out my wins for sure.

My Goal?

Season 3 is starting in a few months. It’s going to be absolutely huge. My goal is to achieve Gold rating this season while I’m still studying and have time to mess around a little bit. But when Season 3 starts up my goal is to reach 1800+ (Hopefully 1900!) while streaming my way there eight hours a day and become featured on SoloMid’s stream page when i finally hit it, hopefully with a bunch of subscribers and followers by the time I do! By doing this I feel like I’d put my name out there quite a bit to the top teams and players and hopefully get nabbed up by a team that’s mostly setup and can play really well with me, then I’d love to travel to all the MLG and IPL events and what have you to compete.

I love to win, and I love to figure out how to win, and why I lost. I’m a patient person and I don’t maintain anger for any long periods of time.I’m a very outgoing and energetic person that loves to stay in high spirits regardless of my surroundings.

I’m looking for someone that wants to take me under their wing and show me what it takes to reach Platinum. I’m looking for someone that I could potentially even start a team with, I’m looking for someone hungry. Like me. Really hungry. For some of that Season 3 cash flow.

My IGN is RazerlPapaRhino ( I need to get that name changed…) and I play on NA.

Thanks Reddit, I just joined about 5 days ago and so far this has been one of the nicest communities I’ve come across, keep it up guys.

sorry for no TL;DR, I feel as though if you can’t take the time to hear me out and read this than you probably don’t have the patience and dedication to work with me in the first place, I want someone with dedication." [/details]

If you guys could share this around your FB and Twitter pages and help me out with some exposure in any way I’d be really grateful, <3

I remember reading an article about someone refunding champs for what he purchased them for, but it was limited to 3. I never felt the need to submit a ticket to refund because it didn’t seem like it would be a big deal, but with what you posted I figured it would make it easier.

Speaking of stupid item builds, I was thinking about going spell vamp + tanky Diana…

because that’s not what it’s called in Dota. have you not received the memo?

cool. i think we’ve(srk) tried getting a team together for awhile now. but why would you wait till s3 to start playing ranked teams? why not use the time now to practice and grow together as a team? so when s3 comes around you have a step in the right direction. also there are 9 people allowed on a team i believe.

if im not with others, im down to play anytime. just shoot invites.

If you guys need a top laner you can send me messages! I mainly play jayce, who can be bruiser or glass cannon, does mixed damage, and has a solid knock back! I also play kennen and garen, and own every character in the game. Although not sure how much I’m gonna play league for a bit after GW2 comes out.

Also just found out, I’ve been rpeorted 7 times EVER out of prolly 3000ish games, and have a normal queue elo of 1800.

Getting arcade sona just to pretend I’m raul julia
Gonna mash hymns and shout GAMEEEEE OVAAAAAAAAA

also, feel free to add me to your team. i can play p.much whatever isn’t covered.