The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

52 minute game.

Our shit was shoved in the entire map except for bottom for like 35 minutes of that.

Good. Fucking. Game.

Turtle style. <3

Shoutouts to Redbeard for sucking ass with Rengar.

Shoutouts to enemy Zyra being up 50+ farm on me and taunting me about it most of mid game through the end and me ending up only 2-5CS behind her

That’s what I mean, it’s nuts. Rengar is like Noc… without the need to be fed hard to be any good.

Add me to active players. Rabbit2G

need duo for the next few hours…if anyone is up for it please add ggimwasted thanks.

I wouldn’t do it if they had a jungler who would be inclined to gank at level 2, but there’s no real downside to it against most top laners, especially early on. I honestly think most people will just check his items at the start, and have the jungler come top if he starts Doran’s.

I don’t get a shoutout? I feel so downtrodden.

Your play was expected, you should have carried harder fucker >:O

Grinding IP at the moment, add Sabinfrost if you want to queue

Lost 30 elo -_- back to to 1167…

GG Rhino, couple of careless deaths but a pretty dominating game for a 4 v 5

29/5 as Jax, My team surrenders.
Seriously :B

lol @ me going 11 / 1 / 7 with Kayle in Dominion against a team consisting of,

Darius, Rengar, Lee Sin, Diana and Sion.


Well your team has really good champs, of course you’ll go 11/1.
Diana and Darius could win the game easily.

That was their team…

Yay, let’s try Rengar toplane! Oh, someone picked Yorick in a normal game again, well damn no fun allowed

The first blood thing with Rengar is actually easy to accomplish. It’s the rest of the game that’s sketchy lol. I’ve been sucking with him pretty badly. First game was horrible, got first blood but traded, traded 2nd kill too, then Wukong proceeded to beat my face in. Fought a Nidalee top next game and didn’t get the first blood because she was smart enough to stay out of range.

It might have been just a team comp issue but I found myself being the initiator most team fights and had to build him really tanky. I went with wriggles, warmogs, atmas, mallet, GA and was able to ulti into position to blow up a carry and start a team fight without getting insta gibbed.

I really like him in lane but I need more games with him, I still suck. He’s not herp derp easy like Darius. I need to get some jungle games in with him too.

I hear Rengar is just a worse post-rework Xin Zhao with a level 1 gimmick.

Then wtf was their team doing then.

I can see some nice potential in Rengar’s ultimate, I just gotta learn how to apply it successfully. It’s got a relatively short cooldown and a pretty long duration. I’ve been able to easily escape ganks and instances I should have surely died with it many times, and it’s served me well initiating team fights. I’m sure it’s a wonderful gank tool also but I haven’t had much opportunity there yet.

Edit: Reading Rengar’s backstory, sounds like he lost an eye to ChoGath haha.

I played a game, we were losing because the Diana player fed.
and kept bossing us around and calling us noobs when he had like 0/16/0
Everyone else was doing fairly well, It was just pretty dumb and then he raged quit when we won haha.