The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

Please let that Skulshield get in

And add me to the OP, Summoner is Jon_Talbain

reginald getting caught, lmao

They should really just let Xpecial go mid, he’s beast

you know, i never thought rainman was the problem with tsm, reginald fucks up alot, probably more than rain man, this match just reassured my thoughts on that. regi is definetly not as consistent as other top mids like scarra and froggen.

TRM was never the problem, Dyrus needs OddBro 24/7

Added you two, and those items are interesting.

I’d love to see more items, just I hope not at the expense of taking established stuff out.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Regi is playing TF, gg TSM going to lose 2-0

Reginald was so fray on the first match.

Also dem Korean strats with Vlad bot.

EDIT - Nevermind that, Reginald is raping with TF lol.

Dat shit was cray, not sure why they didn’t ban shen

Get on Messenger sucka.

Yes! Draven is being played!

The rapier looks interesting, like a cheap manamune. Tanks will have a field day with the other items.

My ID: FishBoneTree
Love to play tanks.

Why Zilean mid


you can add me, logios

add meh: QQ China

I already put you up nigga.

Adding the other two. You guys better be active or the naughty list will be waiting.

Unless BT and IE get significant nerf’s, there will never be much variation in AD carry builds

They’ve talked about doing that recently, changing AD items to build up over time instead of flat damage.

Don’t forget the SRK chat in the client, we still in der.

BT has gotten nerfed already. BT isnt really the problem. IE is, that shit way too stronk.

I don’t think BT is inherently overpowered, but alongside IE, there aren’t that many options as for what you see AD carries build. Like, you will almost never see a Wits End or MBR on the AD Carry, and if they build it then the entire team is going to bitch and moan that you have no idea how to play the game