The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

Actually I disagree with that.

I’m by no means “elite” but Katarina was my very first champion that I ever bought and played her consistently for a few months until I switched over to Irelia permanently. The new Kat in my opinion has a better kit, however the big flaws to her game play right now is her Bouncing Blade, Shunpo and Ultimate.

BB has terrible damage, in fact I tested it and a measly single auto-attack does more damage then BB at the start of the game which is completely absurd. Also the bounce is weird now from what I remember, because going through minions to the opponents champion w/ Vanilla Kat was more effective but many times now I see it simply running through minions completely whiffing champs unless they are super close.

Her Shunpo doing significantly less damage, but worst yet having the stupid 14 second cooldown reduction was uncalled for. I’m still trying to figure out why it got a damage nerf + CD nerf on it, making it annoying, yeah, it gets more cd as you lvl it up, however it’s effectiveness is severely limited because lvling this skill now in contrast to either BB or Sinister Steel would be foolish.

Personally I can tolerate the damage nerf on the ultimate, which is fine, but the nerf to BB and Shunpo? Sinister Blade does not compensate for those three skill nerfs, and I believe that BB and Shunpo need another beef up again, by having BB having more damage output so it can keep champions wary and honest and giving Shunpo back its CD reduction from Vanilla but keep the current lowered damage.

If you did that, I believe Katarina would be strong and could without a doubt see more competitive play in my opinion. I’m not like all the haters at LoL who say she’s terrible to her Vanilla version. I actually believe she can be much better then her Vanilla Kat just simply because Riot can actually patch and fix this Kat effectively where as the old Kat just simply got CCed to death and relied way too much upon her Ulti, which again, any smart opponent will always, always save a CC for her whenever she enters the fight. New Kat is better, but just needs a slight buff to make her great.

I’ve only gotten back to this game recently about a few months ago with a few months of lay-off and I’ve been picking and playing Leona (the only tank I’ll ever play period) hard lately. She seriously needs some upgrade for her lack of DoT, but with a good combo I’ve been very successful with her at bot. My friends and I have been coming up with some really interesting Leona + (Insert Champion) combos that’s been quite effective and has actually brought up my wins even more.

Still, nothing replaces my love for Irelia, I’m really pissed that they nerfed her sustain (Riot is many times imo 10x worst then Fighting Game companies with their patches), but then the added re-buff helped her a bit in my opinion and has made her viable again. I enjoy this game, I just don’t play it as much, maybe next time I’ll add my name on here so you peeps at can play with me, I would like that, however I don’t want to deal with ragers if I’m not “Super Pro” or whatever.

I actually never played old Kat, I got her after the rework, so I have no issues playing with her currently since I didn’t know what was good/bad about her before.

That being said, I’m having way too much fun with her. Laning with her feels so obnoxious. I felt bad for the Galio I shit on last night :3

I don’t like the new Kat. None of her moves really feel right anymore. Shunpo, Bouncing Blade and Death Lotus especially just lack that visceral impact they used to have when you hit with them.

I also don’t like how she’s basically built completely around her QW combo now.

High Command kat was actually the very first skin i bought, well it does look better now but the running animation is fucking killing me… seriously? these swords look like they weigh 5kg each and she holds them in these weird angles…

I’ve laned against her a few times post - patch, once with Akali actually, and I dominated her relatively hard.

I don’t feel she’s underpowered at all, or overpowered, I think old Kat was a giant gimmick (lol ult) making her simultaneously broken, or horrible depending on your opponents skill level. New Kat feels like a more balanced champion, so far she looks alright, though I keep confusing the character model for either Diana or Irelia depending on what skin she’s using.

Me either, I was using her and it felt so off. Using my old Kat builds I couldn’t even burst that well and kept relying on W to much.

I didn’t have to, he was Fizz and I was Gragas. He’d either dive or I’d just ult barrel him when he got low and blow him apart.

I liked the old Kat, but I agree that new Kat has more potential. I’ve only played one game so far, but it felt like overall my damage output was higher. Looking at numbers in the patch notes though, that doesn’t seem like it’d be the case.

The damage on bouncing blades actually went up, as long as you activate the mark it puts on targets (60 vs. 50+15 at lvl 1, 200 vs. 190+75 at lvl 5). The AP ratio got better (0.35 vs. 0.5+0.2), though the AD ratio was removed(0.8). They did (I think) change how the dagger bounces - used to be random, and now it’s the “closest” target. CD is 1 second longer at all levels now, which is annoying. One notable nerf to bouncing blades is that you can’t make all the bounces do full damage and gimp health pots because Killer Instincts was removed.

What I’m really curious about is if Katmogs or other AD/hybrid Kat builds will work better now. My money is on “No” but I’m still going to try.

I’ve been playing nothing but Kat since I got her, really enjoying it

Wow, no wonder I wasn’t getting updates man, they made a new thread.

Anyway, please put me on the front page for active. IGN: TheInconspicuous

Also, anybody on the BR server want to queue? I am still only level 24 I mainly do AD Carry or Jungle on the account, but I have 2 AP’s I am pretty fine with. If anybody is grinding out BR, hmu

speaking of Akali, I was playing Diana the other day and while i like her alot and enjoy playing her, doesnt it feel like akali does her job better than her? i mean the ap burst assasin part, i mean sure diana can jungle or probably go mid better than akali can, but i just cant shake this feeling like its not enough, her burst compared to akali. maybe i just suck with diana since she is recent and im not all comfortable with her and the fact akali is the champ ive been playing since day 1.

She needs to be fed to be scary, just like Akali

That said, it’s a matter of deciding whether you want to WQRR or WQR ~ QRR, with auto attacks in between. Don’t underestimate her passive, it’s basically a nuke itself

I like how Diana can have that unintentional aoe damage from Q and W. Akali is nice and all for the burst assassin role, but after playing this game a lot, a jungler has more chances to grab kills (albeit lots of ksing). So in terms of snowballing options, I think Diana takes that. I also feel guilty building gp10s on akali.



Could you maybe spoiler tag that? The image is huge and would just make it more convenient.

i guess not everyone has 1080p monitors yet… :frowning:

Or some people simply don’t use those kind of PC’s, I browse from a Laptop and my iPhone for example. More convenient on space and money.

The ELO system isn’t broken, there is no “ELO hell”.

If you were better, your ranking would be better.

Everybody I’ve seen that’s asked for a duo because they’re “stuck” in matches with trolls try to come into my rating, and ended up sucking ass.

define “my rating”

A lot of the players at my rating suck ass just flat out.

But yeah I tend to agree that a true ELO hell just isn’t out there. If you truly play like your ELO is way above what you are in, you should be such an unbalancing force in matchmaking that you’d rise rather quickly. 1200’s is definitely a bit tedious, but it’s nothing majorly hard to grind through. Some of the games I had when I was in 1200’s. Solo Queue for me was much like grinding AE online. Surely people got better as you go up, but you don’t notice, you simply just adapt to beat them and you will. And also if you run into somebody you recognize, you are fucked :smiley: