Evo matches were off the hook. Already been restreamed on twitch. The French player (Fox) had some great set-ups with Chin, counter, carry, corner combo etc., but obviously the big East Asian killers, especially with Kim were always gonna be a major challenge. Saw some nice Mai as well at one point from the player in shades, always nice.
Game in motion looked fantastic offline. I was like, where’s dat PSN lag, lol ;p
The player in shades was Reynald, the player who used Mai in the tournament was Hee San Woo, Reynald’s opponent in GF.
Woo vs Reynald FT5 Set…
WCG Mexico 2012 KOF13 Tournament
WCG Peru 2013 KOF13 Tournament
Treta Championship Aftermath KOF13 Top16 from Brazil
Toryuken KOF13 Tournament form Canada
Reynald vs Mr KoF exhibtion–An Evo champion’s workout parts 1&2
Canada Cup 2013 KOF13 before Top8 Winners
Canada Cup 2013 KOF13 Top8 to Top4 Winners
Canada Cup 2013 KOF13 before Top8 Losers
Canada Cup 2013 KOF13 Top8 to Top4 Losers
Canada Cup 2013 KOF13 Top4
Canada Cup 2013 KOF13 Casual Matches XiaoHai(小孩) vs Dakou(大口)
Thanks for the videos, finally got to see Elisabeth in some high level action although her presence was kind of short lived. It seems like everywhere I turn it’s some Kyo, Iori, Takuma team set up or all of their alternate variants. ┴┴~(゚皿゚\メ)
Me bouncy.
Whew, Manila finally able to run another KOF 13 tournament for the first time in what feels like 13 years. :lol:
MixUp Night #06 KOF13 Tournament
Pre-SS 2013 KOF13 Casual Matches on Oct. 10, 2013
Pre-SS 2013 KOF13 Casual Matches on Oct. 11, 2013
SS2013 KOF13 Top8 to Top4
SS2013 KOF13 Top4