KoF XIII : 常識的に考えて Coordinated Guard Crush
[details=Spoiler] [media=youtube]ICaCRYwKpck[/media]
KoF XIII : 常識的に考えて Coordinated Guard Crush
[details=Spoiler] [media=youtube]ICaCRYwKpck[/media]
online casual matches of hsard from China
1p hsard
1p madkof 2p hsard
1p hsard
1p hsard
1p hsard
1p hsard
Mr. Karate 100% HD combos
Here is a video of some Mai game play and combos.
Might as well leave this here.
Need some entertainment…? (And education)?
Please watch this video. It’s South Town Arcade Ranbats
casual matches form Tainan,Taiwan
New BALA combo vid
Alexu’s third kof13 cmv
KOF13 Climax tournament in Taipei,Taiwan
KOF13 tournament in Suzhou,China
Yang Yao Ren vs ET
Vids from a recent Chicago tourney. Level of play ranges from decent to pretty good.
loser’s semis
winner’s finals
loser’s finals
grand finals
Good shit to James Jr. I played him a lot on PSN. He’s pretty scary.
LOL at him getting boo’d at the end of Grand Finals.
The RunBack 4.8
Alexu’s 3rd kof13 cmv
It’s a whole lotta love from the City the Works.