The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

KOF 14 wants its last boss back.

That shit is goofy as hell. Go back to Tekken, True Ogre.

Necalli in a nutshell.

So the implication is that Necalli’s ‘true form’ or original form is that, and he changes according to what he consumes. So what is his stone story alt form then? His backstory needs some ironing out because he is starting to get on my nerves as much as Akuma/Oni and Gill.

In fact, the whole Ryu/Bison/Necalli hate triangle needs to be spelled out for us very clearly. Did Bison intentionally bring Necalli into the picture? How is it that an entity like Necalli came to be in the first place? Was he a man that turned into that thing in the same way Akuma could turn into Oni? Or Bison turned into what godlike entity he is outside of human form?

Anyway Original Necalli would be a badass alt costume. It suits his shapeshifting backstory much more, not his jobber function though.


Pyron, go home to Darkstalkers you’re obviously drunk

It’s Evil Ryu imho, see the red headband

Look like the begin of the Apocalyps: Necalli eat (Evil) Ryu -> then he will eat Sim -> then he will be powerful enough to eat Bison

After that nothing will be able to stop him

Basically Sim saved the world, lol

Btw want this shit

As true SFV boss

Maybe if we ever get an Arcade mode…

Nah, more like another cinematic chapter… i think they will do one each year (and that 2nd will cost money)

The only true SFV boss is Final Bison, whom I am still waiting for. Lazy ass Capcom!

So she put on a few pounds (that’s good), but she got shorter…what? Anyway, Nothing out of the ordinary here. I kinda was expecting something different or a tidbit of new information. Oh well, still good to see regardless.

^ I just posted that. It’s good to know I’m not the only one old enough to remember Thundercats in Space.

Are you kidding? I frequently sing Silverhawks’ intro at the top of my lungs around the house hah. “WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING Uv SILVUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR NEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerv Ooh STHEEEEEEEL…!”

Tbh i feel Bison’s canon/story part for the SFV arc is done

I still appreciate they dedicated the whole first chapter to Bison’s fall and that they did’nt done any “new villain is coooler” illuminati>shadaloo shit (Charlie failed), letting the old guard taking on Shadaloo

Cool I’m not the only member of the FGC division of the AARP

Check your stats she’s the same height just weighs more.
Apparently, her SFV stat card is wrong and they can’t seem to keep a consistent height stat for her (yet another trait she shares with Chun-Li.)

@NeloVergil says he’s unimpressed with Shin Necalli and would body him free

Always could count on you :heart:


Yeah I really appreciate the way the handled Shadaloo’s end and Bison’s possible final performance. He went out like a boss, on his feet, with none of that Alpha ‘nooooooo’ and ‘impossibru’ shit.

Having said that, the only villain that remotely comes close to Bison in the series is Urien. Their other attempts at a main villain have all been less than stellar. We also know from a long time ago (from Capcom) that Bison was ‘alive’ during SF3. It remains to be seen if Capcom retcons this.

They shouldn’t. Considering that the first one basically ended up serving as a huge advertisement for all the DLC characters.

Every story season should have that year’s DLC characters playable in it like this one did. That was great promotion. Especially for Juri and Urien.

I sort of half-agree/half-disagree with your statement. I agree that story mode was a great advertising sell for the DLC characters, giving players a chance to play as them before their official release. And it would continue as a great selling tool for future characters.

But on the other hand, I think that a second story mode would be a great addition to the game. Like @Daemos said, the second one will probably cost money (in-game or real money, to be determined later. With the first initital story mode, so much emphasis was based on how “story mode is free”. I don’t think they wouldn’t mention that constantly unless they were planning on more upcoming ones that players will have to pay to play.

A second story mode will bring the casual audience back to playing and also give players a taste of upcoming characters