The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

[quote=“Darc_Requiem, post:8101, topic:177027”]

Feel kinda the opposite… both look terrible in VS screen, but ingame Ken look bad but less terrible.
Alex old man shit, strange nose, Mick Jagger mouth stay steady bad both VS and ingame.

Tbh if (when) they do a SF3 costume DLC i can be ok if they fix (totally) his face even just there, i will never use another Alex alt lol

Plus outside face (and banana hairs) Ken got a kinda loyal to the character 3d model, with Alex model they missed almost every design point of Alex as char
They even ignored Bengus’s SFV concept

I know one can say “2D to 3D transition is hard”, but thing is, they did a good stylization job with almost every other char

I write that as person overall satisfied by SFV 3D models

That Dan artwork is good as itself

But to have him in SFV invent some totally not-shoto look, or do not want

No, it simply emphasizes how unlikely everyone (including Shadaloo) thinks this actually happened. :tongue:

If dan enters this I swear, don’t make him a clone… make him takuma.

He missed out on the SF2 tournament because he couldn’t afford to pay his phone bill…

[quote=“Cestus, post:8109, topic:177027”]

He doesn’t look like an old man with this costume.

If Dan was briefly trained by Gouken before Ryu and Ken, as the old sources say, he has to be at least six to ten years older than the two pupils. When the stoic master took young Ryu under his wing, he propably tought “please don’t be another schmuck”.

Ironically, Gouken didn’t stop teaching Dan because he sucked, but because he wanted to use Ansatsuken to get revenge on Sagat.

To that end, Ryu is arguably an even worse student than Dan, because he’s even worse at controlling his violent tendencies.

Alex is not that bad. My guess is capcom is updating Ken and Vega face since those two were the most hated

Dan has always had that shirt underneath his gi because Ryo(Sakazaki) also has it, or do you mean the let down top making it a hobo ryu - v ken mixture?

I know I’m alone in this, but why does everyone hate Vega’s face from a design standpoint? I figured he was supposed to look psychotic.

I really don’t know why people complain about Vega’s face. I really don’t see the problem.

Dan looks godlike. If they bring him back he needs to drop all the shitty shoto moves for his much better muay thai moves.

Which Takuma, or Mr.Karate, would you want? Could SFV even handle that much power?

Pfft that is NOT a Ken emulation.

It’s emulating THIS bad-ass-motherfucker right here…

Ken jr?

Who’s this Ken everyone is mentioning?


Do you mean…Ryu Jr?

Seriously regarding designs tho…

Akuma wishes he was this bad-ass of a boss-karateka.

Seriously, Silber looks like if Akuma & Sabretooth did the Fusion Dance then shit-out all the weak-ass ginger-shit leftover from Gouki.

Fights in a way more bad-ass way too.

Man, Silber needs to make a return in KOF XIV. Very underrated character.

He reminds of gado the lion from BR.

Well at least it has these two niggas

Don’t toutch Vega’s amazing psychotic face, Capcom. Just Ken’s =)