The hampton roads (sova) thread version 9!

How much was your ticket?

Here you go Jinks, im Hype too.

Total was 37.55 for my ticket.

Good shit Rich, good to have ya back. I’m loving team NAH of 757. Keep up the good work fellas.
Money match should happen this weekend. Thoughts?

Why would you ever be hype about a movie with Nicholas Cage as the star? Even if it does have Christopher Lambert in it, that’s no excuse.


Fighting game related: turns out the port forwarding was actually hurting my online connection in sf4. I turned it off and games have been stable lately so I’ve been getting back into the training mindset

But im the #1 Nick Cage fan so theres your answer. Hes a good actor man haha, people should hop off his nuts

I’m thinking about getting a poster tonight to bring to me to RAW. If I do, what should I put on it?

dear blackula.

we all have facebook.

we all read this fucking question once.

why don’t you use all this free time to put a battery in your fucking smoke alarm.


Dear dsinnie,

Hate you too.



P.S. You can’t troll me.

dear blackula, nobody is trolling you.

I sincerely think you should change the battery.

you lazy sonofabitch!

also maybe you should get some sweaty big old wrestler to sign your chest.

btw, wrestling is for the mentally handicap.

So, doors are open but its only Andrew and I so far lol. We’re playing CVS2. Feel free to come over and play whatever though.

nobody told you about mondays huh?

So I can’t even make my AE pool for EVO. Fuck. Plane isn’t scheduled to get there until 10:40. I can make my MK9 and MVC3 pools though.


hope you didn’t fly delta.

Nope, AA

I really hope I don’t get delayed for 3 hours. That would be pretty shit.

Ill be in Norfolk/VA Beach this weekend anyone trying to let me get a roof for a night or two?

BOSS #3 Thread - [Aug 6, 2011] BOSS#3 (Best of SoVA Series) (Hampton, Virginia)

anything random tonight?

Tekken movie 7:30 at MacArthur Center. In TREE DEE!!!