Still, they have that voting nonsense. If enough people petition a vote im sure the courts will look it over, and or the politicians will back off because all politicians care about is them and the vote. Hell you don’t need a large movement. Small cult minorities like PETA have made a huge impact on society. Threthen the politician through voting and supporting people willing to fight. the government can’t crack down and imprison everybody, becaue it then it directly stands against everything it supposedly stands for. Just wishful thinking though, in our age the government has justified imprisonment with no trial and cruel and unusual punishment. Our country is as big of a joke as China. So what difference will it make? At least when it’s all gone, I can look back and say I at least tried.
Tipping point? The question is, who reaches that point first? the government, or the people?
I re-read it. Shows really detailed information. Wouldn’t some peeps be arrested by now though? I mean, if no one does anything then it just sends a message saying that you can hack and take down important sites, release confidential information, etc without being punished.
they got roasted (~_~)
- :bluu:
the internet is the wild wild west
How many people are in Anon and who is in it. Don’t thousands of 4chan children claim to be in it? Since they are anonymous and you don’t know who is in it can’t they just claim it’s them hacking when it’s really not?
If you claim you are Anon, then you are Anon.
However, on the same thought, you have outed yourself, and therefore are no longer Anon.
Whoa. Who got beat up?
Not to say I didn’t see it coming.
Nobody really knows who is in it. Look at previous courier groups, and hacker groups, or hell, Kevin Mitnick. Most of them were full of industry people. These aren’t 16 year old script kids in basements. These are highly educated people, who know their shit.
Sure, they hire out and recruit tons of kids from 4chan for use in DDoSing and SQL injections, but rest assured the top dogs are likely to be people already working for legitimate companies, with significant resources at their disposal.
Also realize that for every hacker group that announces itself, there are still TONS that don’t, as well as all the trading groups (DoD, Razor 1911, etc). Add to the fact that these hacker groups are now likely world wide.
didn’t master p take down kevin mitnick? how good could he have been?
Yes but thats what I’m saying. Anon could just be claiming to do this stuff, and since the person doing it obviously isn’t going to come out and say it was him the 4chan children claim it was them (Anon).
LifeHacker has something cool you peeps might want to check out.
yup there are countless canned exploits and tools that can compromise a machine. any script kiddie can just go onto the countless white hat sites and download said exploits and tools. once they’ve broken in then they can easily install any countless number of rootkits to ensure it stays compromised. but yeah at the end of the day social engineering still pretty much trumps everything.
Pretty sure it
Was the Feds (FBI and CIA) that took out Kevin… They still claim he wiretapped them
heard on the news that some anonymous members have been arrested… that right?
yeah, FBI raided a bunch of kids who had used the Low Orbit Ion Cannon DDoS tool, and had fucked with websites without properly setting up ANY security. They called it “Anonymous members” because it sounds a lot cooler than “idiot kids who wanted to stick it to the man”.
Considering they hacked NATO today, they seem fine and dandy. Not to mention I highly doubt Anonymous is American, so FBI raids on american citizens ain’t getting you fuck all
so in other words, it’s like capturing some footsoldiers and saying “We caught Shredder”
Was Lulz arrested?