The Greatest Lies in Gaming History

I’d kill for a Shenmue III…at least to wrap things up.

Mew under the truck at SS Anne

Nimbus Tarafax

Duke Nukem Forever.

Jace Hall quote after playing it “You’re going to be pleased.”


Capcom: There were more people that wanted the Red Devil and Rocket Raccoon in UMvC3 than Mega Man and Jean from GodHand. Oh uh, by the way, Balrog does NOT in any way resemble Mike Tyson. And yes, Mega Man Legends 3 is on the way!

Data East: Yea. And uh, Fighter’s History does not rip off of Street Fighter II either.

Nintendo: The Wii is not a fad. Also, the Virtua Boy is a really rad system. And uh, Super Mario 2 is the real sequel to SMB. That lost levels stuff? Wii don’t know what you mean. And another thing, Wii are nto afraid of Steve Jobs … or Apple. Wii don’t take it seriously. And yes, we know you want Last Story and Xenoblade in the US, but despite the demand for the game, we don’t see how it would be profitable.

Sony: Lair is a great game. You’re just not playing it right. Also, gigantic robot crabs are a part of Japanese history . Also, the next generation doesn’t start until we say it does.

Peter Molyneaux: I know the last Fable was rubbish, but the new Fable will be smashing!

Gaming magazine reviewers who reviewed Kane and Lynch 2: 7, 8, even 10/10! It’s such a great game!

EGM: Sheng Long… oh yes, the code to play as Simon Belmont in TMNT2: The arcade game for the NES.



Shiek: I am NOT Zelda.

Link: I am right-handed.

DOA games: I am 99 years old.

The cake was not a lie. Be nice if people would actually play Portal.

There are far too many lies to count. This isn’t a big one but it still sticks in my mind. When Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore was coming out for the PS2. Sega released a bunch of screenshots that made it appear as if they fixed the anti-aliasing. They did not, that game was a jaggy mess.

Sega releasing screenshots for the ps2 version at the time???

Mew being under the god damn truck.
Unicorn Fountain ;-;

You can ressurect Aerith in FF7 =/

If you wait long enough the Rat Pack will catch you in battletoads.

akuma in RE2

Marvel 3 being a good game and a successor to MVC2.

It seems that Mil’s talking about people who claim outrageous things in video game play.

I’ll stick to that format when I tell the story of my friend who claims to have beaten Double Dragon 3. Of course this was while I was sick and could not come over to confirm the (false) victory.

anyone on 360 with avatar on their games list claiming they didnt rent it for the 1000 points

Suprised nobody has said the Nude Lara Croft “cheat” for the original Tomb Raider lol… Spent ages trying to get that shit to work :frowning:

Something tells me you guys would love Pop Fiction~

Really, really entertaining stuff.

I sure as shit did rent it for the 1000 points sir.

too soon…

There was also the case of DC Universe Online… I’m 99% sure that I remember it being reported that the game would actually have NO monthly fee. That surprised the hell out of me and most other folks that went to the gamefaqs board for it at the time…later on though, of course that changed and it became a pay-2-play situation. That’s aggravating when there’s false info out there before the game comes out, and it turns out to be a completely different situation.

Recently, an annoying friend was trying to get me to buy that horrible Live Arcade game “Dead Block”, claiming the shit has online co-op…basically him and another guy were waiting on me to get the game. Either he genuinely doesn’t know it has no online co-op play (only local…it’s still strange to me that a game would come out NOW in 2011 that focuses on co-op play, but leaves out online capability), or he does and he’s just lying about it. Oddly enough, the latter is most likely the case. I suspect they just want me to share in the pain and regret they have because of how much that game sucks.

The classics:
-Annoying friend back in the day… claiming he flipped an Abobo in the original Double Dragon (NES version). That is impossible.
-Same guy would simply make up shit story-wise about various games, to make it appear he knows what he’s talking about… like I remember he’d say ALL the characters in the Mortal Kombat franchise are actually zombies/undead.

Find Togepi in Mt. Moon using an item finder.
Finding the Triforce in OoT.

^ You mean like actually finding the triforce? Never heard that one…

Duke Nukem Forever= Biggest lie of all time…

That fucking game hasn’t been developed in YEARS before it got pushed off to Gearbox… it would be faithful to Duke 3D my ass…

I should dickslap all the developers behind that POS(joking on halo game only to end up being a halo clone… smh)

EDIT: Higher age in DOA= more titty bounciness… never noticed a huge difference imo…