There is only one dominant life form in this universe and it carries a steel-barreled sword of vengeance.
Hows the multiplayer?
Anyone up for some 3rd Strike? Really want to get in on some rollback, no matter how shitty.
I’ve had this on as background noise while chatting to friends, and Jammerz has done a fucking superb job of keeping it all together and commentating on his own.
The eaten inputs are fuckin awful.
That’s Twin.
WiFiblades neva lost!
We need to play during this quarantine, it’s what the world needs!
Ain’t even gonna lie, haven’t played it yet.
I lacked time and haven’t even played the single player as much as i wanted. The time i had i used to play the campaign, i’ll touch the multiplayer later on.
Do you have it too? It sounds like it. Where you at?
Bored anyone want to play some games?
Dude was in his 30s. CoVid ain’t no joke to young people too. Stay safe y’all.
Damn homie…
I find humorous that you say this and then proceed to play a game you clearly don’t like with a netcode that you clearly think is bad.
I know. SF5 is basically the MvC3 version of SF.
In what way?
That it has you trapped despite you dont liking it?
Put some respect on Mahvel 3’s name!