The GranGlue Fighter Lounge: Corona Virus bodied Shadaloo Free AF

Sadly seem to work on Percival only

If anyone wants some games in granblue, I’m down to play

how far are you from Taiwan?

I am US east coast lol

I’m surprised about GBVS too. I like it, and think it’s one of the best 1v1 games in a while, but I got to be honest - other than playing you guys, there’s not much about the game itself that excites me. I’ve realized that I’m just an online casual player (who will dabble in ranked modes), so labbing a game just to be competitive in it, isn’t really needed. As more DLC comes out, maybe I’ll find a character I’m excited about labbing, but right now, there really isn’t anyone.

Also, yeah, time is a restriction. I don’t have too much of it, and would rather put more time on less games, than less time on more games.

And 3S and MVCI are just awesome games and I’m not willing to drop them anytime soon, in fact, I want/need to get better in both.

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well ity’s time I do RPG mode to unlock the naughty stuff, how long is it?

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Should of saved some Survival mode for a rainy day fam. :thinking:


also can you actually play story mode in 2 player local co-op?

Been doing a little bit of rpg mode here and there. I think I saw someone say around 7 hours or something like that. Rpg mode is pretty disappointing. Only fun I really have are the primal beast fights

Depends, if you do everything and watch all Cutscenes, around 6 hours, if you just rush it, skip everything and do all mandatory fights, I would say about 2 hours +/- a bit depending on how often you might or might not die.
Also Yggy is hella cute, change me mind.

Why do I feel like most of the season 2 characters are just going to be people in the story mode. Io, rackham, Rosetta, eugene and belial lol

Got gigabit internet and had my router moved downstairs so I can hardwire my ps4 now. I no longer feel the shame of being a wifi warrior.

I didn’t get a chance to boot up SfV yet, and TBH I haven’t in a couple weeks. Curious to see how much of a difference it makes.


I remember people doing this same speculation about a different FG and it’s story mode.
In the end it was no one from the Story Mode at all.

Only one I’m hyped for is Zooey.



Just a note.

For most home users gigabit internet is a massive waste of money.

I know, and surprising enough even our isp was kind of trying to hint the same. But we needed them to come out to figure out why we weren’t even getting close to our 300mb plans speed. And we have a house full of people using WiFi and it was only like 40 bucks more.

Hey Ve, do you have any tips on performing this input?

It seems like doing two QCF’s after landing a cLP or cLK requires a ridiculously quick input (like I’m doing D, DF + LP, F, D, DF, F + LK on Hitbox, and the super still doesn’t link).

Weird thing is the AI dummy, which is set to auto guard, still gets hit, so it’s like slow enough to not link, but quick enough to catch them before blocking… or maybe it’s so slow it’s catching them after blocking? Lol, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m doing these two QCFs as fast as I think I can

Can I get back to you later? It’s been a long time since I had to do it, I wanna sit down with my stick and think about how I’m hitting it.

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Feel like arcsys tends to use assets already in the game now, since their new character models take so much work. Rackham and Rosetta would be cool though

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Honestly, don’t worry about it Ve. I thought maybe you knew off the top of your head. Please don’t bother. I’ll figure it out. I appreciate it though.