I was more of a Battleground dude rather than Arena.
In the arenas I got around 2300 rating in 3v3 arms warrior / holy paladin / marsksman hunter , around 2300 as well in 2v2 with retribution paladin / MM hunter. Good times.
But BG is where it’s at for me.
I used to troll with hybrid builds.Prot-Holy paladin.You used to get spell power based on stamina, so I put stamina gems on plate intelect gear.
Enough points into holy for holy shock and avenger’s shield as well as the old touched by the light.
TLDR : you had a heavy armored healer that had instant heals or short cast time flash of light with a ranged silence as well as insane spell power thanks to stamina / spell power scaling and increased self heal regardless of mortal strike effect on you.
I used to troll so much in capture the flag as the flag carrier.Good times.
I got to gladiator rating in greens in s2 with discpriest - SL-warlock, and trolled around with warrior - discpriest - restoshaman and RMP in 3v3 in s3, around server best (small server, granted). That period was some of the most fun I’ve had in a game period, losing games to random mace stuns aside.
The WoW PVP is the only thing that made me wanna play it. Sounded cool when my friend talked about it. He was doing duos with a restoshaman (shaman/warrior).
Can’t do MMOs though. those things feed into way too many of my bad traits. All that grinding, monotonous stuff.
No, he wasn’t. He was mashing like a madman during your combos and when he got stunned.
The lag in that situation got WAY worse now after this last patch.
Any particular salt you want to comment about? Looks like a typical forum page for the PC port of a console-first game.
Various bug reports and technical issues, people wanting to run the game at higher graphics settings than the game allows or to run it at unsupported aspect ratios (like ultrawide monitors), a few complaints about the “absurd” (console game) price, some netcode complaints, lack of crossplay complaints (which means the PC online landscape probably won’t last long), some complaints about things missing from the PC release (in this case that would be no gacha codes), complaints about the PC release date (this time because there was so little promotion for the PC release.)
I don’t recall seeing much in the way of actual gameplay topics on Steam forums for fighting games in general. I assume that most people go elsewhere for that kind of material, and use the Steam forum to complain about other matters.
I mean the guys crying to not support the game, cause it will be dead in a month.
Don’t buy this game no one will play it, don’t buy it it will be dead in a few weeks.
I get deja vû from the Tekken 7 Forums at launch, but they had at least dozens of threads about juggles being cheap and unfair, as well as Pauls UUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! all over the place.
Dunno why they seem the need to do this. Maybe they hope it fails?
Some of it is probably people trying to be helpful. It sucks to be a PC gamer who buys a game, only to find the publisher/dev doesn’t bother to properly support the PC version. It also sucks to buy a PC game to play online, only to find online is dead a month later. For fighting games, most of the player base is going to be on console.
Some of it may be an attempt to pressure publishers/developers. If the PC version doesn’t sell, then the publisher/developer might improve its support in the future. Basically running with the belief that if people don’t complain and just continue to buy the games released, then things won’t improve in the future. (Which isn’t necessarily incorrect, though it isn’t necessarily correct either.)
Some is just people beings ****s. Maybe PC gamers with a grudge, maybe console gamers with a grudge.