The GranGlue Fighter Lounge: Corona Virus bodied Shadaloo Free AF

I’m not saying it’s good, but it might not be completely useless now.

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Oh so apparently Capcom’s newest netcode fix is telling you that you’ll have bad games?

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Yeah, game is so ashamed of itseld that it takes longer to load.


I heard that cosplaying helps the load times!

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What about his Young St. LK? Any changes?


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Longer than 9 months?


That’s enough internet for today.

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Off topic but I was watching a bit of this Toxic Shark movie and this line delivery was so good I had to record it essentially :rofl:

Ended up getting top 8 at WNF online for GBVS, but i’m trash vs. lowain and got Ygg’d :frowning:


Out of Curiosity who are you playing, Kat, Gran or Lance?

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I play Lance, if I played anyone else it would be Bubz(think he’s not good but fun) or Ferry(i think her and lance are top 2). I think Kat/Gran are overrated though.

Out of curiousity, why do you think Gran and Kat are overrated?

I’ve heard many people make the argument that it’s Ferry who isn’t as good as the rest of the widely-considered top tier (gran, kat, lance, charlotta) on account of relatively poor frame data and no particularly great matchups among the other strongest characters. I was going to pick her up myself, just to see how much truth there was to that

They have basically no capacity to get better, they basically are what they are. They are also super linear and can only show you so many looks. I think Ferry/Lance are in their own tier.

Like I think they are very good characters, but I think Ferry’s difficulty, and potential with her tools means her ceiling is just way way higher.

EC FGC seems really big on saying Ferry is lower, but then they lose to Necro Undine every week cause he doesn’t give them the openings other Ferry players do, and he actually uses her tools well. He works around her lack of frame data really well with his focus on meter building(can’t have better frame data than having geneijin), and he’s really good at using her divekicks and cl.H.

Gran/Kat/Charlotta are just easier to use, and Lance’s easy to use gameplan is powerful but he has a ton of depth on top of that. Also I think Ferry is Lance’s hardest matchup.


I think we agree on the Kat/Gran thing if by that you mean that they are doomed to fall once adjustments and new characters start rolling in.

So it’s not Virtua Fighter 6 after all. I don’t even know what it is. Lol

And here I was hoping for Yakuza Versus.

Sagat feels quite powerful for the first time. I thought he was good last patch , but the new change is the cherry.


Wait, what did they do?

Falke is also feeling SO much better even though she only got a “simple” change.
Now, if only the netcode actually got improved.