If she’s dead set on using those three characters, I would suggest putting Wolverine first and then throwing the other two in whichever order she feels the most comfortable with.
Wolverine is way too good as a point character to be placed anywhere else and his assists aren’t worth using him in an assist position. Between Dante and Ammy, I’d say Dante is a much, much better anchor. Try Wolverine/Ammy/Dante, and if that doesn’t feel right switch the dog and devil around.
Hey just curious, does Ammy have any specific setups or mixups utilizing Magneto beam assist? Im working right now w/ a strategy that has Mags in the back w/ 2 chars that make the most out of abusing Mag beam (Wesk Dorm currently, Dante also abuses it well). But I thought I remembered hearing Ammy can also break this beam, and Ive already got some skill w/ Ammy, so if Im remembering right, she could be a natural fit. So if this assist makes her cheap enough, Id consider swapping her in for Wesker. Im not really interested in “solid character with solid assist,” Im looking for something really dirty like Dorm + Mag beam crossup cheese, etc. Thanks!
Thanks HG! I took your advice and watched about 6 games of his or so, and aside from his welcome setup of M paper, jump up, call mag, jH(glaive overhead) I honestly didn’t see anything I would call a setup. More just like standard ammy fighting with a beam once in a while. I was kinda hopin for some dirty tricks. Maybe I caught the wrong 6 hehe. Maybe ill just swap back n forth between wesk and ammy and see which I like better. Anyway, honzo, you have any cool team projects you’re workin on? I’m assuming you don’t playtask ammy doom exclusively. Whatve u been up to lately lab-wise?
Not that I don’t appreciate the response, I very much do, but that is using the beam when already combo-ing. Im lookin for something dirty to catch someone in a combo. I played around a lot with it it last night. It does seem if you hit them with the beam while air dashing at them with Glaive, you can swing with H and it will allow you to continue a combo off that, which is promising. But the beam obv has to hit them right before the jH.
I remember playing with Ammy & disruptor for a bit back at launch, and IIRC, I found some sneaky stuff from f.throw > s.B-C + mags xx paper. Standard paper mixups + ambiguous beam, basically, but maybe an avenue you wanna explore further, especially to reset damage after the throw.
In one of these threads (I’m on my phone so its a pain to search n quote) you guys were convincing me of the wonders that come from the slow super. I’ve seen the light and have fallen in love. My supplimental question, thought, is what is her best welcome setup (new char coming in of death or snap)? I’m assuming it starts with M paper xx slow. Currently my available assists are task horiz and akuma tatsu(subject to change, but I’m really diggin it). Ammy seems like she shouuld have great shit to mixup and incoming target, just wondering what your trickiest and/or most reliable setups have been lately?
(Even if they don’t involve slow, I just assume they do). Thanks!
Well, actually, what I normally do is something like
if they get hit, they get hit. If they block, three way mixup. If they advancing guard, that’s problematic, but if I expect it I can time the assist differently to still catch them, if I’m in the corner. Midscreen, catching up to them before they can move… Doesn’t really happen. Which is why this is demonstrated in the corner; normally with Amaterasu I can corner push pretty well before I kill them, so I can try this. Midscreen I typically do something more generic, like papers and slow supers, yes.
Of course, against certain characters named Phoenix and Sentinel, this doesn’t work at all, which is unfortunate.
Okami Shuffle did oddly low damage here. Normally it’s stronger. But this is a decent reading on the “minimum damage,” I suppose.
Akuma assist is there because I just made a video with him and I didn’t feel like changing back since he did kinda work for it.
to be honest, i think ammy and dante go great with any third character. a lot of my teams are based around them:
Right now Im trying to build a zero/ammy/dormammu(maybe akuma, not sure yet) team. Been putting off learning ammy since the game launched and this is my attempt at an amateratsu team. Zero is on point since his assists seem a little sub par overall, and ammy has a nice dhc out of his skittles hyper. Dormammu on anchor since he is one of the best anchors in the game(imo at least), is a beast with all the meter ammy and zero would have left off after their deaths, but if the situation calls for it can be run on point with cold star and zero’s dragon punch backing him up. Overall I think its a good team on paper, now to actually learn zero and ammy.
After toying with characters for a while, I settled on X-23(b)/Deadpool(b)/Ammy(b) and Ammy(b)/Trish(y)/Deadpool(y).
The first is a basic rush team (with deadpools katana-rama making it stupid easy to land X-23’s weapon x prime into DHC glitch). Also, if I manage to build the meter for it, coldstar offers great opportunities for landing silent kill.
Second team basically works as rush/range. Trish doesn’t have the best projectile assist around, and I’d probably be better off with Sent, but I like the way Trish’s round harvest creates opportunities for other characters.
Hey guys, I could use some advice. I’m working on a new team of Ammy/Dormammu/Morrigan, in that order.
I’m using Cold Star and Dark Harmonizer for Ammy/Morrigan, but I’m trying to decide which assist I should use for Dormammu that would benefit my other 2 best (mostly Ammy though). I assume Dark Hole is more helpful by itself than Purification. Am I wrong? And does anyone know any good combos with Ammy and either Dark Hole assist or Purification?
Dark hole is great but i think that overall purification is more suitable for ammy, its a good combo extender for ammy and allows her to combo off her counters. Dark hole is a slightly better lockdown assist but other than that it rly doesnt have anything better to offer for ammy.
I play Dante, Amaterasu, and Wesker with a secondary team of Spencer, Amaterasu, Dormammu. She’s always second because her DHC Glitch combos are the hottest thing in MvC3 IMO.
As X-ray has proven Dante/Ammy were made for each other. Cold Star just locks down so well. I haven’t gotten to the point where I can combo off of Dante’s throw using the assist consistently but I am trying. DHC glitch into Veil of Mist allows either of them to style. While Ammy doesn’t need Wesker, I prefer not to take chances after a counter until I’ve mastered the weapon change OTG so Wesker does what he does best. Plus you gotta love the unblockable setups.
If they even try to punish an Okami Shuffle… well… Wesker puts his palm through their salty chest. It teaches a good number of my opponents to just block Okami Shuffle. It’s not like it does great chip.
Ammy does the same thing for Spencer that she does for Dante. Dark Hole allows Ammy to run in and bash them while they’re blocking. As for Dormammu, I’m not ashamed to admit that I like to Stalking Flare -> X-factor -> Stalking Flare and teleport all day long. He’s a fun and very high damaging anchor.
Wow. I might have to change Dark Hole to Purification. Anything that allows me to combo off of her counter before I master the weapon change is a welcome sight. Nice vid.
I mainly play punishment game with Ammy’s disc by utilizing her air throws off her rigged airdash covering her with sentinel or trons assist. I don’t really play her as a battery or damage dealer, more like a heckler where i poke them with throws and short but simple combos. the beauty of have tron second is that if there is a character you need dead you can just air tag to tron into her otg+ sentinel force assist into servbot surprice dhc glitch BACK into ammy’s time slowing hyper then hard tagging to sentinel to finish off the character after the kingservbot with reset damage scaling on sentinel.
I like having Ammy and tron since they have good synergy going back and forth between the two, sentinel is just, well he’s sentinel. the other nice set-up is that ammy and tron work well with sentinel was well so if you losing any of your three characters you still have fair synergy. the only real downside is that tron even with level 3 x-factor isn’t as safe as say a sentinel or ammy at point with no assists.