oh right. I was thinking about my other examples.
It’s a choice. I’m ok with that.
But it turns into people’s defining personality traits. That part’s stupid.
Hey I’m pro abortion and I eat the fuck out of meat. Stop making stupid comments about people.
I’m pro choice…and I like breasts and thighs.
Like a cross between a Sir Mix-a-Lot Video and a bucket of KFC?
In other news
You are not black
Almost always implies high likelihood. You saying something dumb and then dropping “comprehension” as a double down is the irony you were looking for
Again…Nixon won those states yet lost the election to Kennedy.
yeah, but it still doesn’t mean 100%, so some guy going “hey im not like that…” in attempt to dispute is showing bad comprehension.
“More often than not”, is 51%.
“Almost always” implies accuracy in the 90s. Black people almost always vote democrat. Democrats almost always are pro choice. Republicans are almost always anti abortion or pro 2A. And so on…
How many vegans do you think there are lol?
Almost always a lot.
Still lost
You drawing a correlation between pro choice and veganism is one of the dumbest fucking things I’ve ever read on the internet, you fucking moron
Almost every single one of my friends support a woman’s right to an abortion and none of them are chaining themselves to anything in the name of veganism. Dumb as fuck take.
geez. You went and dug up Cuck Norris.
but again… at the end it’s not 100% so some guy going “hey not” doesn’t mean much against what i said. Circular reasoning
you are like one of those highschool losers whose opinion on things are primarily because everyone else in school likes/dislikes it.
The topic between veganism and pro-choice is a very old discussion that you can find in various sites around the web. Why do some posters like you feel it’s more important to be liked in Shoryuken over being intelligent?
This sounds like mixing peanut butter and mayonnaise.
Is this “conceding”?