The effects of Anime on the world at large: Meet Venus

So where are Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Sailor Moon?

This has nothing to do with a planet.

0 / 10 thread sucks.

so because the girl is doing something that she enjoys and doesnt harm her or others, that it happens to be kind of different than other “normal” stuff, randoms would start complaining???

So wait…she’s not hurting anyone, not consuming any resource in any kind of abundance, she’s not infringing on anyones rights or privileges.

So whats the problem Missing? I would imagine the people who deificate in public where you live to be a far bigger reason for why you would no longer want to live here then some woman many miles away from you, harmlessly pandering to a fanbase.

lol white people, they’re the first ones to get upset at this AND get horny over too.

i have an erection

now i just need some tentacles and its all good baby

Pretty sure most of you have already masturbated to this kid. E-sports.

Meh. She’s not pretty enough in the face for that look IMO. This chick does it better

Like others said, the girl could be doing a lot worse. It’s not like she’s pregnant or strung out on drugs. Must be a slow news week wherever she’s from.

this was all over the news 2 months ago.

I want a gun that shoots multiples of her. WIth my pernis.


She’s also letting her become engrossed with Japanese Anime.

All she needs to do is give her a bag of panama red and she’s in the running for parent of the year.

would still smash that

i am gonna assume fucking a doll girl is the same as fucking a passed out chick

Or a gagged Japanese woman.

Noooo, it’s “I’d hit it… with a two by four.”

How is this much different than goths?


It’s not.

Goths are hotter.

She’s CUUUUUUUUTE. :rofl:


Call me when they start making the IRL Metal Gear Rex.