Dunno if this is known yet, but I found a guaranteed downcharged VS2 setup on all rises for a bar.
St.MP xx Cr.HP xx Psycho Shot xx Cr.MK xx Psycho Rising xx EX Psycho Splash.
St.MP Frame Kill and Down Charge VS2.
Beats wakeup 3f on both rises, on no rise you can do another full downcharged VS2.
It’s pretty tight to perform, but if you trade with 3f on quickrise you can get another full downcharge VS2 juggle.
Personally I don’t bother doing frame kill setups, VS2 is really easy to manually time. It’s more rewarding to do that combo you mentioned, end it with VS2, and then just start charging VS2 again as soon as they land. IIRC rises are 30 (normal) and 35 (back) frames, so the audio and visual cue from the opponent hitting the ground is the perfect tell to nail the meaty every time.
Additionally, if you hit the charged VS2 even slightly meaty you can get a second one in a row, doesn’t have to be a trade.