The Dogface Show - Interviews With Style!

Fuck yeah!

(from the other thread)

Rock: What TV shows do you like to watch?
5Star: Lost…
Rock: …'cause it has…hot guys.

Awesome final part. Wish we could have more Rock though (keep Dogface in that toilet).

no fucking wonder it was taking forever to release the episodes. i’m glad they got renic to do it now. looking forward to more dogface and especially more dr sub zero :3

rip dogfaceshow?

When 3sOE comes out, I wanna see more Dr. Sub-Zero. I wouldn’t mind more Dogface episodes either. Both shows were beyond godlike.

Yeah, I’ve been wondering the same thing. What’s going on with that?

if he’s not making any more episodes then why is this still a sticky

What the heck happened to Dogface!!! -__-

dogface pulled a rockefeller.

so that means he’ll be back… :smiley:

You sure he isn’t in that ditch?

where ever he is I’m sure he’s there being impossibly good looking.

i’m sure vic didn’t choose the ditch. i know that because i check it daily. :wink2:

Dude. . . . rockefeller didn’t come back. . no one knows what happened to him after he swam off.

Maybe he found an even better ditch then.

Yes we do and it involves 6 blowjobs.

^via foreign dead hookers

The old eps aren’t even on YouTube anymore. What the fuck?

yeah everything dogface show is gone. james chen said he would try to find and reupload them on his channel jchensor when he was on ultrachentv but idk.

wtf I looked and they realy arent!