The Chess Thread

Actually white has a hard time actually winning against the Tarrasch when strong grandmasters play it with black. See the just released book by Aagaard on it. The problem is lesser players have a hard time justifying the weaknesses they made with piece activity when they have the black pieces. This actually applies to a lot of openings. At your level though, players have a hard time dealing with any initiative from their opponents making the Tarrasch a good choice. In so many master vs amateur games, the master will often have only one positive thing about his position or source of counterplay and the amateur wonā€™t deal with it leading to him losing the game even if his position was objectively better.

The Kingā€™s Indian defense is a good choice at around 1700-2300. You will just attack and checkmate tons of people with simple pawn storms in the Classical Kingā€™s Indian. Players at that level often wonā€™t know the lines where black canā€™t attack the white king (or where doing so will have very unfortunate consequences) such as the Gligoric (1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 e5 7. Be3), fianchetto (even there black still has rather simple pawn play in the Panno line, itā€™s just on the queenside), or Saemisch (Black is well advised to just play Benoni lines and know them really well).

At your level though, I just would say the classical Queenā€™s Gambit Declined with emphasis on playing the Tartakower main lines as played by Fischer, Geller, Short, and Kasparov. All your pieces find decent squares and you can break with c5. The Tarrasch would also be okay as it will force you to play actively with your pieces.

Aight, back on a normal fucking keyboardā€¦

For white openings, does anyone use the London System?

I whoop so much ass, and itā€™s seriously the most theoryless thing Iā€™ve found thus farā€¦

Strong center, good bishops, and knight flexibilityā€¦ only weakness I see in it is that stuff goes to hell if your pawn structure gets broken upā€¦

d4, e3, c3, black bishop on f4, knight on d2(flexible knight movement), and white bishop on d3(in the middle of the pawn structure)ā€¦ itā€™s pretty gdlkā€¦

Strong defense and offenseā€¦ you donā€™t even have to castle until late in the game because that center is so hard to break upā€¦ however losing that black bishop will hurtā€¦

Iā€™m so glad that the Kingā€™s Indian Defence is useable, but from the sound of it, Iā€™m not really learning much from using itā€¦

I really like the opening but it seems like yall are leaning more towards the Tarrasch openingā€¦

Man, everytime I try it, the ass just keeps getting whoopedā€¦

Cool! A chess thread! Here is my chess thread on the MK forum.

Chess will always be the first ā€œfighting gameā€. The top player in the world right now is Magnus Carlsen.

oh! here are a some cool things I remember reading in an FGD thread from two years ago

i hardly know anything about chess but it sounds like he has had a pretty unorthodox approach to the game

Yo whatā€™s up with female chess players being so damn hot?


ā€œmy position was passive but solidā€ I damn bet it was.

Iā€™m pretty sure we had one of these already.

I used to play a lot and study from a younger age (compared to the kids around me ). started heavier studying/playing/tournaments in freshman year of HS and was the best in my class (and arguably up to the Senior class) but I havenā€™t touched a piece in about 10 years : / I would love to go to huge tournaments again with all the games happening everywhere. It was pretty intense and was a taste of what was to come when I moved on to fighting games and went to FG majors.

I donā€™t know if I want to put all that time in again, but Iā€™ll definitely try to start playing again in 2012 (New Years Resolution!). Difference is I didnā€™t do a lot of online playing 10 years ago so maybe it wonā€™t be so bad. itā€™ll be interesting because I guess a lot of games of top players are easily accessible now too. plus a billion other chess related things on the internet. With all the discussion in here there seems to be even more to look into. I feel overwhelmed already @.@

I am also curious on the answer to Warriorā€™s Dreamsā€™ question.

In that video above I noticed that Carlsen has earplugs and listens to ā€œnothingā€ kinda like Daigoā€¦

Check this

and below:

Wouldnā€™t mind taking that Queen off the board.

Sheā€™s not that hot. She is kinda eh irl and is married to like some old Cuban guy who is 30 years older than her. Chess tournaments are not good places to meet women.

HAHA. The London System was my main go-to opening for a huge part of my chess career.

Iā€™ve logged dozens upon dozens of tournament games and victories with it. I still use it on occasion. It was taught to me by one of my chess coaches, an old Moscow player who had gotten a ā€œcandidate masterā€ designation back in the late 60s; not an easy thing back then!

Anyways, itā€™s not a very good choice once you reach 1800+ or so, but until that point, itā€™s plenty potent.

The main thing is to get your f3 knight to e5.

Yeah, EvilSamurai speaks the truth. Not only is she married to some old guy, but sheā€™s not particularly attractive in real life. Just because she looks good in a professionally done photograph means nothing.

In addition to that, sheā€™s a weak player even by female standards. Yeah, because of FIDEā€™s fucking retarded ā€œKnockout Championshipā€ format, sheā€™s technically a ā€œformer world championā€, but sheā€™s rated a mere 2430, and 44th on the female rating list last I looked.

Frankly, even that modest rating might be overinflated; I watched her play at the recent Womenā€™s Team Championship, and she was fucking awful, with a performance rating of 2319, and play that reminded me of a weak national master (2200 strength) more than anything else.

^ Alright, goodā€¦

At least itā€™s an opening I can work withā€¦ not seeing that 1800 rating anytime soonā€¦

Does anyone play on FICS?

Looking for a good place to play some human opponentsā€¦ well until I can get back into irl playā€¦ Iā€™m on vacation nigga:smokin:

Also, how many people play against this(free)A.I to learn openings and different lines?

Itā€™s an excellent program, as it actually teaches you as it whoops your assā€¦ it also calculates piece advantage/disadvantageā€¦ Iā€™m sure you upper level folks that can take advantage of someone being down half a pawn would even find this helpfulā€¦ unless yall already were using something differentā€¦

EDIT: In retrospect, that Russian bitchā€™s face does look kinda like it got smashed inā€¦ with a sledgehammerā€¦

nigga you gay.

intelligence + hotness = FINE! :smiley:

Also note that you can play the London System as a solid drawing weapon that gives Black a slight edge but makes your position very hard to crack, or as a wild, aggressive, attacking set-up. If you do the latter, after moving play Ne5 at some point, you might want to play g4, h4, or possibly both.

I used to. I play on nowadays.

This wasnā€™t directed at me, but if you claim to like Kosteniukā€™s appearance, realize this is what youā€™re arguing for;

Not bad by any means, but beautiful?! Get out of here.

Besides, on the basis of intelligence, Kosteniuk is a million times worse than someone like Humpy Koneru;

Wow, is the fucking truthā€¦

Playing it online just feels soā€¦ rightā€¦

No temporary lag when you move a pieceā€¦

So far my rank is 1093ā€¦ 2 wins, 2 lossesā€¦

So I guess my assessment of my ranking was accurateshrugsā€¦

I blundered my Queen away when I had the upper hand in both of those lossesā€¦ I guess I get nervous against higher ranked players(both were 1200ā€™s)ā€¦

That bishop sacrifice on a castled King is the truthā€¦

Does that work on better opponents? Or is the loss of material not worth it as you play better opponents?

You donā€™t really have to be smart to be good at chessā€¦ imo most of it is memorizationā€¦ if anything showed me that, itā€™s Fischer Random Chessā€¦

I was lost when I first tried playing itā€¦

I only play on the Internet Chess Club (ICC). Playchess is free with most Chessbase products but it sucks for everything but games against engines and bullet.

All the games in Reggio Emilia were straight up bone today.

Anyone else believe that chess is like a fighting game? Also, how would you compare chess to Magic The Gathering, poker, and mini baccarat?

You donā€™t compare them. You accept that they have concepts that relate to each other and appreciate the fact that they all involve different skill sets.


There are no glitches, infinites, combos, or comeback mechanics.

Checkers has combos though; I just donā€™t know how to do them.

There absolutely ARE combos in chess. Itā€™s funny you know that checkers have combos (although theyā€™re extremely simple ones), but not chess.

But anyways, I would agree that fighting games and chess are dissimilar. The main reason being that chess has no execution requirements, whereas thatā€™s of such vital importance in any fighter.

Enlighten me.