The Best There Is At What I Do - Wolverine Video Thread

You know, im always wondering the same thing. Ill be bringing a new combo thread to life soon to replace the forgotten one we have now. Ill be using the Taskmaster combo thread as a sort of template, since it is well organized and oozes machismo

Funny, I had picked him up just a couple days ago, after finally being able to drop Trish.

I picked up wolvie and I’m going to Revelations, hopefully I can get some good gameplay on display.

honzo gonzo vs daigo


Did anyone record my match with him? :[

Remember Prozac Nation?
Here are recordings of our friendly matches.
Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6
Please enjoy. Anyone that has a good connection and wants to run some games, i’m down.

I posted it in the team thread, but, seeing as it’s the video thread…


Edit: And a follow up vid which is nuts with the Dorm TAC damage:




A video revolving around Dorm and his 2D1C spell, but Wolverine is present throughout :slight_smile:


Pr rog might be the best there is [media=youtube]wDJ9haVsxDE[/media], dudes been on a tear since he picked up plasma beam assist.

Is this old, useless or what? Looks pretty nice.


The principle is pretty old (mid-vanilla) but I’ve never seen it done in that way.

However it’s leaning more towards the useless side due to the requirements of it, such as them needing to be grounded when the slash hits, you needing to gamble XF on it etc. But if you know your opponent is adamant that they want to stay on the ground during your mixups, it may be useful (and stylish), but not really in your best interests to go for.

Now I feel all old and dismissive!

Id take him up on that…I think Im the best wolvie :). Hes not mobile enough

Please elaborate? Im seriously considering picking up the ol canuckle head, but when I think of wolvie, mobility doesn’t really come to mind.

Well obviously he doesnt have too many options to move around in the air, but his ground dash is pretty quick…especially his back dash. You dont wanna always just go in with wolvie, you want to play a in an out game against alot of characters (especially the derp ones). In that case you want to master your mobility on the ground…how to quickly space awayy wit back dash, and get in without having to use berserker slash. and also you gotta practice s.j. hit confirms into full combo. alot of people just kinda rely on assists to get them in on ground chars and if they see a char in the air, just try and dive kick away lol. But theres so much more to em…and he can easily destroy a team alone (assistless) if he has meter.ESPECIALLY if he has meter… Thats why I anchor him :). The one and only Wolvie anchor actually. (Proud to be)


He can move across the entire screen in like one second. His speed is probably his greatest attribute.

True say, when I thought of mobility I thought of air mobility in general, I never really considered characters with fast dashes as mobile. But wolvie is mobile, if only on the ground. So while on the subject of mobility, do you guys plink dash with wolvie? I usually wave dash, but needless to say thats a little difficult with wolvie so I started plink dashing and it works really well, but just to ensure Im doing the right thing I figured id ask.

And to avoid going completely off track(this is still the video thread), what aspect of pr rogs mobility is missing? I look at him and he seems like he gets around the screen pretty quickly, but maybe I don’t know what Im talking about.

note justin’s movement second match. [media=youtube]Zp-R7Zrpuk8[/media]