Nope i need an invite to it, but at the same time we are already making plans to get as many people from alabama there that want to go
Well We plan to have like 2 maybe 3 vans, we can setup a pickup location if you guys are interested, just review and post up what ideas, information etc you want or need in order to assist your community in attending the event.
@Mystic Blak Yes I am going to pay for may badge this weekend
I read your document and you guys are planning this trip in a way more organized way than we are, I am impressed! Right now from Alabama we have Isaac driving from birmingham and taking his crew with him from there, and me leaving from Auburn and taking any Auburn/Montgomery people with me.
I see that the way to Orlando from Atlanta is I-75S which isn’t close to anywhere we have people in Alabama, but if we start having more people show interest than me or Isaac can drive then I will talk to you about if they can find a ride to Atlanta or wherever a convenient pickup location is then they can ride with you guys down to Orlando. It is also a 7 hour drive from both Atlanta and my location in Alabama. If we end up having to have people ride with yall then of course I will let them know that they still have to pitch in for gas and van rental fee, and I am very grateful for the ride offer.
Hey who all is going to revival
You could go to Columbus, organize something with those guys, and meet ATL crew in Macon, then take 75 from there.
Sony admits utter PSN failure: your personal data has been stolen
if you bought psn dlc or games you better take a look
I really hope that Sony wasn’t so stupid to store all their passwords unencrypted. Most likely, they stole a bunch of password hashes. Still ridiculous either way.
apparently they did store it that way because they said they have full access to all of it and people have been reporting money missing from their accounts and shit
that’s stupid beyond belief
I’m cancelling my debit card in the morning
yep me too
pain in the ass
jesus. Good thing my bank account shut down long ago…
My current card was starting to crack so it’s for the best
Seriously isn’t using a hash algorithm like, basic programming shit? Even an MD5 would work.
Sony fucked up big time and they deserve to lose BILLIONS for this
ugh… online woes… speaking of that blarblablbalbalbalbalbabla Sentinel.
Speaking playing games, people in the Hoover\Helena area should get on the board and give me a shoutout so I know where ya’ll are at… cause I wanna be able to get some games in with ya’ll
md5 isnt good enough nowadays from what i heard but i havent been involved in doing things of that nature in years so that may just be idiots telling me that things have changed but yeah its pretty basic shit to do some other perfectly good algorithm
Whats your schedule like homie?
I’m kinda busy over the next week and a half (Final exam time) but after that I should be able to get some weekends free
Streetfighter and Drink Night -Friday, April 29-
No Streetfighter and Drink Night this Friday because me and Anotak are leaving to Atlanta on Friday, make sure your friends know!
is there still gonna be Thursday Night Fights at the Deep in Huntsville?