The Badass San Jose Golfland Thread

You are correct.

Semifinals in the winner’s bracket should include

Anthony/Phil vs. Derrick/Qui

then Anthony/Phil moved on to Finals against Will/Dave after that match.


GG’z guys, can’t wait till the next tournament, that was an awesome tournament

okie dokie guys, I’m back in Norcal!
Ill try to stop by the San Jose Golfland either Friday afternoon (1-4), Saturday afternoon, or both…I try to use C-groove

Sry dude, but i’m gonna be at work for friday afternoon, and as for saturday, i seem to be having plans for something else -___-’

I might go down tonight around 7 if not, tomorrow from 6-730

When are you going to be there Wepeel? I’ll meet you up for some game.

Fanime tomorrow :slight_smile:

Do you guys get a lot of people on Saturdays?

…Bhushan…can I go over there yet?

If anyone would like a good challenge on any SF2, I would be more than happy to provide it. :karate:

woot sjgl thread. how come no one was there on friday?

How come no one was there tonight?

This weekend was dead mostly because lot of peep I know went to the Fanime. That’s the only reason I can think of. Fri, Sat, it’s usually at least 6+ heads.

Leezy…call me before you go next time, man.

I was at fanime, sorry, haha >_<

Think someone told me you were dressed up as Cammy… :wow:

no i wasn’t, it was Mai. Just imagine… jk jk, i’d be horrificly scared of myself as well O_O

Any info on a tourney going on at the San Jose Convention Center on CVS2? Will told me about it but haven’t heard anything further.

Damn, if Fanime was at the Santa Clara convention center like all the previous times, I would’ve gone. WTF is it doing in SJCC?

GGs to the random people i played on friday and Sunday…I love it here, I can just go randomly and there’s decent competition…the sticks feel pretty nice but for some reason I missed way too many supers, maybe it was just me…

Go by today. Let me know what time you heading up there if you do so on here.

Yo John, Ima be there tonight, prolly from 5 or 6 until 9:00. I’ll see you peepz there tonight. >_<