The application of the of five animals theory on balancing issues for fighting games

Sentinel can use the fly and unfly commands to cancel the recovery of some of his moves, leading to totally bitching combos.

Please don’t use MvC2 as an example of balance. That game was a prototype for MUGEN. I would be amazed if any balancing attempt was made by Capcom for that game.

I love messy games over games where everyone is balanced to crap. If HF and Vsav are messy games then by all means… Make the games messy.

Thx man, nice suggestions. In FG peopple tend to choose characters, with cool moves, nice fighting stance and appearence. So another alternative could be if its impossible to make an efective balance, despite possible bugs and glitches, that these characters stay at least at B tier.

Example: in UMVC3 Ghost Rider is a cool character but he’s at botton tier while characters like Zero are at the top (i doubt that people would pick him if he wasnt OP). There are things that dont make any sense, like why should the developers do bad disigned characters OP? This kind of thing occur in other games too…