This is a good super, shooting arrows upwards in a zoning pattern (with assist), and cancelling into when the opponent thinks he’s found a hole in your pattern. It has a lot of bait qualities for when you’re above an opponent and they’re below you, waiting.
It would be god-tier if you could cancel into it from a taunt too bad~
One of its best uses on for punishing let’s say a bionic arm is to DHC glitch on the first active frame of the super into something else. Back in Vanilla I use to DHC glitch from the counter super into Wolvies charge up super. Would go from being just the counter super into arrow super into a 600K+ damage combo. The same can be done with sent HSF as well. Granted you must know that the counter super will go off.
I mean the DHC glitch is so weirdly timed with the counter super. If it cuts to animation you DHC’d to late.