[TG/AT] - Request Thread

Requesting avatar (animated, not animated doesn’t matter) of 3s Yang and Yun. I don’t have any pics because I’m not picky.
This would be very appreciated.

Ok, Blood. We’re on it.

Jin - Damn, we’re truly sorry it’s taking us this long for such a simple av. Just need to find hit sprites of Jin and Magneto. So until we find them, I’m gonna go ahead and do Blood’s request.

If I don’t find it by tomorrow I will Rip them myself. Sorry Jin.

Jin, finally finished. I found the hit sprites, but they just increased the size and made the colors look shrap. Sorry if you don’t like it. Very much sorry for the LONG ass wait.

Blood - You’re up next, It will be done soon. We promise. :rofl:

EDIT - Blood, done. If you’re not feelin’ it I will make a new one.

it’s okay dude

sry i don’t want to be ungrateful you did a good job but this is what i want if you don’t want to i totally understand and i should mention i can provide some sprites:

when magneto hits jin he goes into hit stun and i dont’ really want a flash, i can provide a hit spark of some kind.

and second i want jin to be taunting him for a while longer kinda like saying come and get me and then magneto runs in and gets blown up.

and finally after he blew him off i want it to stay on jin after he finished the dynamite with his arms outstretched.

and then i want a black strip like this to come over jin:


and say take it to the next level

then fade into higher-jin.

if you think size constraints will prevent you from doing it or don’t want to do it just say so.

i appreciate what you’ve done and if you need some sprites for it hit me up.

maybe if you can’t do that (lack of sprites/ too big ect.) just have jin taunting him for a bit and then turn to magneto and have him say “Son of a bitch” he rushes in and continue from there.

once again i really appreciate what you’ve done, thanks i’m sure everyone’s happy it was real kind of ya

I don’t think I could do that. The size would be way too big. Sorry, Jin. =/