RE4 was actually the 1st RE game that I ever completed. Although, I’ve played just about all of them except RE 0. Never have I been so scared playing a video game that I have had nightmares. A kid is suppose to be having dreams about banging that crush he has in school. Not being swarmed by images of zombies and other horrific creatures. Shit was rough.
Funny thing is, I ALMOST beat the remake of RE1 on Gamecube. The giant spiders had me so scared that I was shooting at anything that looked like it could move, but I stuck with it and got through that shit. Im feeling good about myself because to me, nothing is scarier than a giant ass spider but I fuck around and step on one of those “crimson head zombies” laying on the ground. That bastard jumped up so fast that I got scared and dropped the controller(something that has never happned) so fast that I couldn’t cut the Gamecube off fast enough…that was the last time I played RE1 on the Gamecube…