Tengu stone reset

cool. I think I’m doing pretty much the exact same thing but I have no consistency with it :slight_smile:

I should have this video up in a few hours that shows some other little things aswell. Hopefully some of you guys will find them useful.

part 2

I find this considerably easier but it’s still not ‘easy’. I think it’s because when you cancel into the tengu you move forward slightly out of the st. forward. It’s like kara super freeze, lol. Thus you’re closer and the roundhouse connects more often. Plus it does slightly more damage than the jab. Also you can get nothing but st. roundhouse during the tengu juggle instead of putting f+strongs in between but you hit at the right height and the dash at the right time. Yet again though, it’s not the easiest thing in the world and if you mess up you lose the whole combo. Finally the chun combo/reset does 100% stun and 99% damage.

EDIT: just got back from a little session at a friends house and I’m convinced that the st. mk reset could be a genuinely useful new strat. I landed it first time aginst his urien, I was proper stoked! lol. I’m sure if you practiced it you could whip it out in real matches. Not only for the extra damage but also for the surprise factor. I think the jab one is pretty redundant (well more redundant than it was, anyway). Is anyone else pulling this off? does it seem like it could be useful?

OMG desk you are amazing oro’s strats are moving up this makes him more of a threat mid screen chun to corner 99% damage and 100% stun i see a success

Well done, Desk! I recall Hung or some other Oro using a standing Forward reset midscreen before, but I never gave it a second thought. You made me give it a second and third thought. I’ll start using it the next time I play and I’ll let you know how it goes.

^^Damn I thought maybe i’d found something new! lol. I’ve been watching loads of oro vids on youtube recently. There’s a big comp coming up here in england and I’m looking to steal all the tactics I possibly can :slight_smile: Jinrai If you happen to find that hung vid (or whoever it was) let me know, I’d like to see it.

thanks for all the comments people, like tinshi said, oro needs to move up the tier list… let’s make it happen! haha

beebop, I deally I want to be stomping on yun in my av but I don’t have the sprites I need :frowning: chun is the next best thing though.

It’s been a while… if it was Hung, it might have been from a really old Denjin Video match.

oro mirror match , dirty vs thanatos

edit : oops wrong thread .

I remember seeing a match video (a long time ago) where Hung did the s.MK reset, but it wasn’t really midscreen. He was juggling someone toward the corner but he wasn’t going to be quite close enough to the corner to do the standard c.HP reset, so he did s.MK instead. I remember this especially because Rock was commentating the match, and specifically said that was why he did it, because he would have been too far for the c.HP to work, and how the s.MK reset is significantly harder then the c.HP reset (for obvious execution reasons).

So, the fact that Rock was commentating makes me think it was an FFA ranbat, and since it was a while ago, I’m guessing it was a ranbat from season 1.

So has anyone been trying this out? finding it useful? easy/difficult? I’m surprised how much I’m pulling this off, as long as you get the st. forward nice and early it’s doesn’t seem too difficult to get. I still haven’t really tested how much more or less damage it does, plus I’m not sure if they are still punishable if they parry.

Wow Desk that forward reset is nuts! I will definately be practicing and incorporating that one in my matches, especially against those pesky shotos! I don’t really see a point to the jab resets but definately those forward resets are brutal because Oro can stay on the ground and do more roundhouses.

yeah I worked out that forward one a few days after the jab one and it’s much, much better. The jab one is pretty pointless now, you’re right.

hahaha mad props for doing it consistently in tourney, i know i won’t be doing it any time soon in tournament

Actually I remember Hung doing it in his James games match (semi finals) vs Amir. He said he did it because he thought he was to far away for c.fierce. but he wasn’t mid screen he was near the corner.

Any chance a good soul can re-upload those videos? i saved them on my hd long time ago, cannot find them anymore.