Tekken 6 Tourney OCTOBER 24th

Tanya tech trap
Bobby backdash

Oh man, i want to get down too:wonder:

Orlando Ochio

Francis fruit-picker

Gross blacksteev!!!




lmao that chinese lady fucked her up

im amazed that this thread made it to 6 pages. you guys are fucking gross and im glad i know some of you. keep reaching for that rainbow my niggaz

oliver overhead

petey punish

jesse just frame


souljaboy tell’em

mandel mixups

man y’all fuckers don’t wanna mess with…

Kelsey K-Groove

Jugglin’ Jacob

Autunm Autocorrect is hella ugly and shouldn’t exist

I was talking to Tara Tigershot the other day and she was telling me about how her friend Kara was missing.

That would hurt bison even more, though =/

you can do autocorrect charge moves

Kinda what I meant. If you couldn’t, some of the charge characters would really suck. Well, suck more in certain cases.

mikey mirror match is free mang

Terry Timeover NEVER loses!

Brian Bound

Trixie Triangle Jump

Thadeus Cacanindin…oh wait, someone already said that.

Wendy Wallsplat

Larry launching

Gordon Guardbreak

I am leaning more towards the ps3 version now. Might change up that pre-order.

Nigh one!

Rommell Rominfinite
Susie Sukiecancel
Flint Flyingscreen
Justin Juggernautglitch
Shauna Shortshortdonkey
Remy Reflycombo