Team Vega rises from the ashes of Street Fighter 4, seeking bloody retribution in Street Fighter 5

I would like to order one as well. How about a logo that’s similar to the Phantom of the Opera musical?

I would like one too. I think vega appeals to people who have the subconscious need to strive for perfection. Even his playstyle in SFIV reflects that, need to play a perfect game of yomi in order to win.

So I scrapped my first idea in favor of something far simpler quicker inking.

those shirts are sick

@ eternal blaze- i dunno if i was a guy u got a shirt made for??..i was one of the first “team vega” ppl wen this whole thing started…droped street fight for a long time! i remember liking the shirt idea an maybe even wanting one? anyway that sux u lost money on it…gime ur email an i will transfer u sum $$ i dont care bout getting a shirt…jus feel like it would b the right thing to do…probly guna get bak on this forum a bit now with sf5

I really want to like Vega in this game but I must admit I’m having a hard time. For a character that for me was pretty much defined by his normals and ability to play footsies at a range no one else could he now feels completely different.

Hold up, we pre-ordering those shirts?

No one is actually doing shirts, yet. I won’t be able to try a mock up until the first week of March.

Are you still creating new mockups?

Still not settled in yet. Hopefully soon :frowning:

I need a Vega shirt in my life.