That sounds fun. I’m in!
is this on psn or xbl?
who should be contacted about this on xbox live? is shogun gonna send out the invites?
I play on both XBL and PSN, but I can hold down the 360 side of things.
too bad i can’t play super , but ASAP i have a ps3 maybe this summer ill be in Mr.Flower’s team :chat:
I’m absolutely down. I would love to see what SRK’s comming up with for my character. Plus, Sakura’s probably one of my worst matchups, so all the more reason to run a few games with you guys.
All I need are some days and times.
How does Thursday night sound for everyone?
If I get online and see a few of my fellow Sakura players online at any point before Thursday, I’ll send you all an invite and we can try to have an impromptu training session.
I have a PSN text chat I like to use for SSF4. You can invite a whole text chat room (max 16 people) into Endless, Ranked or replay channel. I’ll have to delete someone to add you to my list. You add everyone else and when I invite you to text chat you invite them when you see them on. Then we do Team Battle against random people and talk about the memorys and post the videos.
I went on a 24 win streak on my own today not in team battle but in Endless since someone invited me to it for 1 vs 1 sparring but the silly guy made a 8 man lobby and didn’t set it to private. I lost to a Bison in the end who pressured me to death.
as long as I’m not already in a game with people I’m probably down. Not unless I’m just hellbent on figuring shit out in training.
I’ll do it (PSN), but I might be the worst Sakura player in the world, so maybe I can just observe.
I’ll be up for it as well. I’m a complete noob but I’ve been rocked by several great Sakura players and have been inspired to elevate my game Tag is under my avatar. I currently have Super only on the 360.
I’m down for thursday night team sakura shenanigans!
Any day is fine with me.
Thursday Night Sakura. Sounds hilarious.
thursday sounds good
My Sakura is pretty newby but I’m up for learning from you guys
So Thursday it is. I’ll be on at aout 8pm EST time and I’ll start sending out invites around 8:30. I’m on Xbox, so hopefully Mr. Flowers will get things situated for the PS3 team.
Another noob sakura here interested in elevating my game. Count me in Flowers if I can get home from work by 8.:bgrin:
And of course I close on Thursday at work. I hope you guys are around late
impromptu sakura session going on right now.
canadian destroyer
Battle PGN
Killer Jigglypuff