Team Combinations Thread (what's your team?)

prior to evo everyone will use “rufus + raven” anyway.

[LEFT]I keep coming back to xiaoyu, I love the stances, the dash speed, the bounces, the fireball reflect.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Still picking a secondary.[/LEFT]

Juri x Asuka since day 1. Because I’m nothing if not stubborn >.>

I haven’t re-bought this game yet, but when I do.

Dudley/Balrog all fucking day.

I use any combo involving Rolento, Akuma, Lili, and Yoshimitsu. When I want to improve my chances of winning, however, I use Rolento x Ryu.

Currently switching between Bob/Kuma and Nina/Steve. Can’t decide which team I like the most though.

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I used Ryu/Sagat during my first few fights, and then switched to Ryu/Juri.

Ken/Heihachi for me. Though I’ve been experimenting with Ryu/Heihachi, Ken/Xiaoyu, and Balrog/Raven.

Chun-Li/Lei!! Just because i like them the way they are!!

Guile / Kaz - Strong team, zone meter build with guile. Decent versus grapplers. Great damage boost combos, good damage tag combos.

Experimenting/ exerimented with:

Law / Kaz - Crazy damage with one meter tags just got tired of people jumping in on law so much :confused:
Guy / Kaz - weak tag combos that i have found thus far but both can deliver pretty good damage independently. I love this team a lot but, I dont think they mesh well. I am going to keep experimenting with them to see if I can get them to work together better.

Rolento / Kaz - this team is pretty gross all around. Never have to deal with grapplers, footsie wise it is hard to beat i just got bored playing an inactive rolento (big fan of cvs2 rolento).

As you can see, I really love kaz but I really want a team with guy on it. I am going to be experimenting to see who best complements his atyle. Looking at lars , julia, rolento, raven as partners for guy right now.

Alisa/Asuka - Currently maining. Alisa is just overall a fun character for me to use, decent damage, GREAT chip damage, and ways to frustrate those who aren’t used to the match up. Asuka is who I bring in when I know I’ve got my opponent locked down and I prefer for them to stay down. Also, countering dp has never been so fun.

Cammy/Xiaoyu - One of my back up teams that I’m trying to learn. After seeing some of the stuff that m16SHUN can do with this team, I got inspired to see if I to can make it work.

Julia/Lili- The team I use to piss off my friends whenever they come over to play. Troll all day with mixups. outstanding normals, and specials. Haven’t used seriously in a while, so I’m going to polish up on them before I start using them again.

Since my stick broke, on occasion, I’ve used Ryu/Ken. Team SF1. I must say, it’s pretty fun!

Kazuya / Rufus, using my main at SSF4 and my main in TTT2

Everyone/Akuma and Akuma/Everyone.
This game’s cast is too damn fun to play with.

I’ve never settled on a team. As you say, there’s too many fun characters.

This is how my list looks:











I really could make it go on and on…


I just can’t decide on a Tekken Character to pair with Hugo.

And sometime:

I’m thinking about picking up Christie and Hwoarang. Learning two characters won’t be easy, but i like their synergy.

Hugo or Juri/Bryan
Hugo or Juri/Lili

not confident enough yet to play Lili and Bryan together without one of my mains. Plus I like both of them on anchor. Right now Juri/Lili is probably my most fun to play (jump at me!) but the low health makes me nervous after being so used to having that Hugo vitality.

I tried playing/liking: Ryu, Ken, Sagat, Hwoarang, Marduk, King, Asuka, Abel but either I got bored of them (example - shotos), couldn’t figure out what to do with them to make them effective (example - Abel, King) or I am not nearly good enough to play them (Asuka). I’ll give Sakura and Cody a try at some point.

Mains are Cody/Hwoarang and Lars/Jin. My Cody/Hwo team is who I’m most comfortable with. But both teams need A LOT of work that I haven’t done yet.

What I want to do eventually: Asuka/Julia, Nina/Bryan, and Cammy/King, but those require more work -__-

Cammy/Juri - main team right now. Just too fun to play, love both the characters, love the synergy, love the crazy jump-cancel mixups and pressure, love the versatility, execution level isn’t too high yet not stupidly low… Yeah I’m obsessed with playing this team.

Juri/Law - similar to above - love both characters, love the synergy, good mixups, versatility, execution doesn’t make me want to punch a wall. Only problem is that when Law is out there, I really have to find ways to keep my opponent from jumping all over me. Still working on that.

Juri/Lili - love this team as well, just need to work on my Lili more so she’s not so free.

Also playing Juri/Alisa, Sakura/Law, Sakura/Lili, Cammy/Law, Juri/Kuma, and Lili/Abel from time to time. Too many characters, not enough time!