<<<Team BLUNT>>> *808*

Jion_Wansu - eh… damn you had a whole lotta ernestw’s 2 inch erect cock! You may have well went to some gay bookstore to get gangbanged or somethin cuz you got raped anyway.

PureElite - yo I’m workin on getting the pics for an avatar together can you still hook it up?

…going by f(x2), if anyone’s up to it, imma head down windward tilt, and see wassup. waaaaaaaaaaattaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!

ill hit you up lates nigga

…down to practice, holla! lllll can play anywhere but home.

  • drugz needs a headcount for cvs2, so if ya plan to go, um, get in touch with him or post that you’re interested, lllll will give him a call. kent is planning on rc’ing the tourney., so yeah!

ill call in about 2 hours

a nigga got owned yestarday

hell no dont tell me nippz can beat you… he so fukin shitty all you need is fukin sent to own nippz HAHAAH:lol:

i lost my mag in 10 secs but i fucking owned him with my sent wtf is that my sent is fucking horrible

haha tonight was a good one lol Team Blunt jus owned brians in both games LOL


we owend tonight…and its was cool chillin with all the boys at annas and shit dope shit. gotta start running practice sessions shots then next time

Hell yeah! We rep that shit hard. GGPO Team blunt niqqas.

…so hard the fu@kin’ mvc2 buttons are still broke from that night. lllll knows hryan had sumpin’ to do with it. go0d stuff! congrats to my fellow peers, game 0n! l(like we knew it wasn’t going to happen, ha!)

Lol good shit Friday night! Congrats to top three for cvs2 and on Chrisg for winning it:D Damn PE is the HB killa taking out 4 of the 5 players and erikbuild taking out djb13. Great tourney, shit is getting more tense.:smiley:

wtf chris g won it? lol dope

we should have more 5v5 in both games:lol:


5v5 - k-cbs tournament!!!



5v5 - msp tournament (should be interesting).

theres not enough people on brians that play msp.

for blunt theres me,toby,aaron,steve,dunno if ryan but he can,sean?,dunno if theres nymore

5 on 5 CVS2 with team scrub would be pointless. No one at HBB can even play K groove with the exception of Shin. Let alone C, B, S by them selves… Also Erikbuild would just run a train and work everyone . If not Kal, Ryan thats 3 K players that normally play K.

As for MSP …kinda hard to play for HBB when DJB is the only person that uses it and actually rushes with it.

A better idea would be CVS2 5 on 5 . Pick any team and grooves.

im down for a 5v5…haha i already have proved myself that i can play k-cbs…just ask dr.ugs…lol

lol fuck i was tweaking the other night with ryan and sean. fucking dope hah