McTeachMeHowtoDougie: SLC is kind of a bitch to get to, but it’s not that bad. If you can find your way to Stadium/Gaines/Jefferson (dunno what part of town you’re in), you should be able to use this map: Going down Woodward Ave is the easiest way and then parking in the lot on the right.
Personally, and I know Drew might disagree, but I think the SLC is kind of a lame location to play games :\ one TV setup (two if no one wants to play Brawl) and not enough space to set up moar monitors. If we could rent out a room in there that would be the business, but we’d all have to bring TVs/monitors.
That made me laugh a lot more than it really should, since everyone on earth thinks they’re super witty when they either quote that or hum the Doug theme song at me.
Anyway, I think I got to the right area I just didn’t know which building it was and couldn’t find any signs to direct me. Betcha one of you guys walked past me or drove past me at some point.
GG’s to Mike/Mike! I got a little bit in there, but I definitely gotta get some fresher combos down and I need to STOP ATTACKING ON ENTRY! It will be my downfall.
M.C. - I had a hard time finding it tonight at first too. There’s a bunch of construction on Woodward that blocks off the street right in front of it. The easy way to tell if it’s the right building is 1) there’s a bunch of movie posters on/around the building, for whatever movie they’re showing next, and 2) when you first walk in, there’s a bunch of computers and TV’s set up.
It’d be pretty sweet to get a room with enough space for multiple monitors. I’d volunteer to bring my TV, but it needs a stand and the only stand I have is built into cabinet/shelf, and it’s a bit big to be lugging around for a couple hours of gaming.
There’s a small TV in the common room which I guess I could bring. I don’t have any rommates so it’s not like anyone would miss it if it were gone for a few hours.
Adonis, I don’t really know. I would assume so. In the console version she was just regular Arcueid (even though she had the floaty princess sprite at character select) with no Moons and beefed up moves. Since they gave her a unique sprite + moves/moons I would imagine she is. (good) Arcade games aren’t really known for having boss characters designed to be super OP selectable. Honestly she looks pretty (aesthetically) stupid.