Tallahassee Thread: "I'd MIGHTY SMASH that!"

So after getting exposed this weekend, once again I’m left with only one character…Zero. He’s REALLY good though and killed many, many teams.

I will probably be down again. I might need a cop a new hdd(still using an old one from a previous 360 that died). apparently when my 360 isnt hooked up into the internet my shit turns corrupt and only certain DLC dont show up. push comes to shove i can just bring the 35’ and have it run into your bedroom, but it shouldnt come to that.

I always breathe a sigh of relief whenever all that is left of him is a series of flashing circles.

Esjihn - I had a similar problem with DLC on the 360’s after switching out for a new console… have you tried the License Transfer tool on the Xbox.com site? It’ll transfer all licenses to a specific 360 console so that you can use them offline. Only takes about 10 minutes.

MAOR E. TANKS. zero buff level 5 super = e. TANK MAX and air man upgrade SUP BIOTCH

Ill try it but it shouldnt be that. It only affect certain DLC and on some games it will specifically state a read error when the game is installed on the HDD. I just think the HDD has taken physical damage and since theres no programming for a long defrag to seperate bad sectors from the good the 360 just keeps spreading shit in the good AND bad sectors :. Clearing Cache only provides a temp fix. Ill try it though but i doubt thats the problem.

Edit: transfered. still doesnt work. its just this old HDD. i need to get a new one. not load my games to the HDD in the mean time.

Edit2: Bootleg fix. Loaded game connect to xbl. Went through will all my DLC loaded as usual. Unplugged the ethernet cord. went back to the title to force the game to save the existing content on an offline console. Turned off the console. Reboot. Reloaded the game. Still says theres and error but all my characters appear on the select screen and all my tight colors make it through with my console offline. shrug. itll do till new hdd.


I want to play some freaking MK!!!

Dude went back in time for that. It’s only a half truth, though. Non-Zero is plenty capable of beating anyone around here…but I do recognize that against people way above my skill level Zero is likely the only chance I have at fluking out wins.

Marvel/CS2 at the house; Matt/Kyle/MikeG are en route. Call/text if you wanna stop by

PSN is slowly coming back. Parts of NE is up now.

Link http://blog.us.playstation.com/2011/05/14/play-on-?-psn-restoration-begins-now/

Heck yes, Front Page credit http://shoryuken.com/content/psn-restoration-begins-now-4528/

PSN is up! No BBCS2 though, just on case you were wondering

i miss kyle, tell him wuz up 4 me

Have a hacked PS3, so PSN has been missing for months for me, hahaha.

(Nothing to miss, really. I can’t think of a single PS3-online multiplayer exclusive game worth it.)

**GGs **

tonight to Kyle, Adonis, James, Mike G in Marvel3/BBCS2. Had fun.

PSN should be up for everyone.

lol you can play online but no store so no go on bbcs2 still

We can’t buy platinum should the patch drop. That’s the only thing the store would stop.

yeah i suppose but i think they wont drop the patch before the store is open.

[media=facebook]202911473079932&oid=195932470439223]Videos Posted by Harada_TEKKEN: TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT2 for Arcade intro movie [HD[/media]

they already did in japan

how appropriate for you ron, that video on the front page has zero doing that loop on wolverine!

Man, I’ve known about it for a few weeks now but since it’s on the front page I HAVE to make sure I get it 100% or I’m a ******.

I have something to practice now, Imma make you fear my zero logan