Tallahassee Thread: Home of players that occasionally beat pretty decent people (Tournament 10/13)

@Mike G Done!


If anybody wants to play WiiU today HMU! I have Nintendoland, Mario, and Sing party!

I will be home on the 30th of this month till at least early Feb.

Adam, If I ship home an hori ex xbox stick, could you fix a button that no longer works?

Sure thing man. I can give it a shot. When you ship yourself home, come get some ST!

I might be down for that wii u!

Also new number folks 8509339186

Matt hmu anytime!

I have a giant arcade cab that I’m gonna use for fg’s… I think I’m going to put SF4 Remix in it, to start.

You guys want to come up tomorrow afternoon for games at my place? Say Noon - 6ish?

I’m not mobile enough to venture out yet. I have a 360 (Marvel and AE) on the Blast, ST on the Astro, and a 360 setup. My PS3 shit the bed so I’m waiting on the new one to come in… If you want to come through and keep me from going insane, i’d appreciate it! Just shoot me a text if you want to come up.

GGs to Steve today in ST and UMVC3. Got him with that shit tier DP LVL 3! Boop!

Hosting again tomorrow from noon until 5ish. Just let me know if you want to come through. (No one is even going to read this…this shit is D.E.A.D)

I’m playing marvel again. Someone shoot me when I get into town on the 14th.

Sooo…being that Tally is dead as fuck without me.

I’m home Christmas Eve through the 28th. I’ve only played Tekken for the past 3 months. So, whats up? Should I bring my stick? Am I gonna be lonely? Can I beat all of Tallahassee with a xbox pad?

The answer is yes, for all games.

good news: looking forward to the LOVE tourny. checked my work schedule, and the stars have aligned! will deff be there for once.
iffy: moved off base, into an apartment, haven’t had internet for several weeks, which equates to me getting rusty as hell. but was told today to expect u-verse here shortly (anyone know anything about the quality on that?)
flat out bad: me. lol

I spent a couple hours training in AE with Geoff yesterday. I am going to beat GTB 5-0 at this tournament. THEN I’M COMING FOR ANDY AND LOGAN IN MVC2 SO GET READY BITCHES

Since my foot is still effed, I need 2 strapping young lads to assist with transport and setup of the ST cab and Pin

Rob will be helping too, but I need some people to help me/him out as well. This means that someone can be at Gamescape around 10 a.m. (As soon as they open) to help me get these up and running, Total setup time should only be around 45 minutes for both of them. Any volunteers?

I’ll be there.

Thanks bud!

You say “strapping young lads” and Steve says “to what?”.

I can help too!

So, it looks like we had a really good turnout for casuals last night. Hopefully we can keep it going, people are really starting to up their game in AE around here.

Had fun at casuals, y’all!

Stream stuff is working great now, after I put a little time into completely uninstalling everything and basically starting the capture device setup from scratch. Thanks to everyone that threw me a couple of bucks, it is greatly appreciated! I’m picking up an audio splitter and some headphones, so that whoever is playing on the stream setup can use headphones for game audio. For some reason, my ASUS monitor isn’t outputting sound as high when it’s used for the stream setup, so if we use headphones EVO-style, we should be good to go. I’m also picking up two new webcams, so that we don’t have to keep dealing with the autofocus issue (thanks to AK for the tip on the new camera!).

Can somebody put together a quick :30 promo for Capital Punishment 3: Bodiedin the First Degree? I think I found the way to add commercials to our stream, but I don’t know that I have time to put somethining together. Some kind of quick text-based thing would be fine. Let me know if you can!

I’ll make a Commercial for Arcade Age. Can someone show me how to make commercials?