Tallahassee, FL: Where fighting games died on May 15th. Tournament 7/28

Jealous. Candy cab, Dynamo, Big Blue!? All tight.

Also, a friend is looking for a Neo-Geo cab (in Tallahassee) with a few Metal Slug games - got any around/any leads?

It’s a Dynamo Z-Back (Red cab). Got it for 300$ :slight_smile: Should make that back within 6 months of it being on location. Me and a buddy split it, going halfsies on profits and such.

Potentially on a Cab. The Games, he’ll have to search around for. If my 6-Slot was in better shape (Still need to restore everything) i’d let it go.

The guy we snagged the pinball machines from has about 3 2-Slot machines, but they are as-is, so I don’t know if theres anything wrong with them.

Got the Salem Beta invite yesterday. Thanks for everyone who signed up with my link. Anyone else make the beta that applied?

Nope, not yet!

I am.

Something might have come up, I’ll call you.


Oh Marvel, why do I want to play you so…

Someone needs to come beat this urge out of me with some “hot” shit. Im thinking I want to see some Zero/Wesker/Iron Fist royally spank my ass -cough- I need to be screaming “My name is Toby!” after the ass whooping I want to have given to me, feel me?

Holy shit LOL Chris.

Daigo writes, “True strength is achieved when you can read your opponent, but defeat them without exploiting their weaknesses.” Couldnt agree with him more.

I wonder how much it will take to import the book cant wait for it to come out.

If anyone is game tonight hit up the cell.

Dear Journal,

I played Marvel vs. Capcom 3 today. It was fun. I struggled to do combos, though. I hope everything turns out okay at the tournament this weekend. Thanks for listening!

Your pal,

Hey now, coming from the guy who strives to play the least skillful characters in any game at least Zero takes work to play.

Also, get in there.

LOL damn Logan sounds salty. Who’s gonna come win this money tomorrow?!?

This guy

Oh and Adonis, I was messing around with Log Trap last night…it’s simply not on Iron Fist’s level. It’s slow, it covers a deceptively small area, and I don’t even think it has the range IF does (horizontal…it does have vertical range). It’s better for what Kusoru was doing because his goal was to hide it and mix up from the top of the screen…but for real aggression it’s just too slow (and almost more importantly…for defense).

Hey now, I play mag storm sent much more effectively than I play cable in mvc2, and they’re definitely more skillful than him! You shut up!

You had no choice in MvC2, now you do. This new found freedom has caused you to run Derperine

I don’t really use it for defense; more for zoning/crossup purposes. I like it b/c RR’s size makes it harder to punish than IF (ie haggar lariat for example, unless IF is invinc?). I have Nova’s G.Pulse assist for defense/don’t attack.

As far as rush down, I think it’s based on what team you’re using and how you use it. It works great with me for sent. Anywhere it doesn’t cover, sentinel can. Last I played I was getting some silly blockstrings down here vs people w/ sent/RR. If I were actually good, I would’ve won more matches lol

Also, do not lie to yourself, j.C, teleport and buster shot is not ‘work’. Use sentinel for more than a month and talk to me about ‘work’ LOL

Nah man I had a choice, cable! I didn’t choose him! I will admit though that my desire to win plus less time for games than I used to have has caused me to gravitate towards whatever gives me more wins with less time investment!