Request: I would like to have a phat dr. doom av. Something original and something that makes him look badass. Im a huge fan of the Fantastic Four movie, mainly Jessica Alba. I think DDOOM should have gotten ALBA. Think you can do this? At least something better than the one I have right now. I want something coollooking. OR if this couldn’t be done, what about something with Mike Jones, Mike Jones is my hero. The rapper in case you didnt know. Something to do with his grille. That niggas hilarious. Do your magic please. Thanks in advance.
x_tremer: To go Google images and search for “Kim Kaphwan” and “sprite” (including the quotations) and the ensuing links might have something you can work with. I don’t much about making avatars, so I won’t link to any of the sites, not knowing if it’d help or not.
I hope this doesn’t become too much work.
That’s them. :tup:
lei mana, i cant make an av, under the size limit, its always too big, ne other request i could do tho, sorry.
raging storm… still cant find anysprites of kim getting hit
i could just do a geese/rock one tho.
many thanks
Nevermind then. Thanks anyway.
Haha, you’re a fan of that font, no?
That’s ok, just do what you want for an avatar with mine. Let mine be the project where you get to be creative, as long as it has Geese/Rock in it of course.
mad props x tremer you are the coolest
edit:for some reason when i uploaded it on the site, only the last frame of it will show, do you have any suggestions?
We can’t see the facebook thing without a facebook of our own.
I was wondering if You could do me one with the battletoad hitiing the dude in the nuts over and over again.
Raging storm… av is done!
senortapatio, ill ge to work later
whats up man just wondering if you could hook me up with a yun avatar doing his win pose (the crane one) with some bad ass background, as for colors throw something cool together, oh… and if the text can say LALO in cool text.thanx again man hope to see it soon.
x_tremer: Hilarious! I love it! If you couldn’t get Kim, Akuma was the next best choice. Thanks a lot.
I have a friend who needs a new av. He goes by mp3burn. He is an old skool type fighter now playing 3s. He likes ryu, can you hook him up with a nice av of the 3s ryu not looking gay as he does? Thanks
Also, Nice work with the av, I like it.
that shit is killer dude, thanks you put that shit together in a second,thanx again dude… nice work
xcellent work X!
keep beastin’
Can you make me a ECW wrestler avatar and ECW word in it?
k, ill get started on that toad one first