here’s a vid of a combo that is nearly identical to the above post, except I use karas assist.
here’s a vid of a combo that is nearly identical to the above post, except I use karas assist.
Nice, the only thing is karas assist puts them in a juggle state where as Ryu keeps them grounded, hitting an airborn opponent with 3C an getting a full air combo afterwards is pretty difficult. But you managed it :wgrin:
If I could have chose, I would have chose Shoma, baseball bat flying screen supers for the win. But Batsu was the obvious candidate and I can’t complain, he’s one of my favourite RS characters…
^^Good stuff…
From a personal point of view i would have preffered Hyo but I guess he would have been an awful lot like Karas, Akira would have fit the game well.
Ok tid bits and helpful ways to net damage off mix ups:
6B is an overhead (90% sure, not had a chance to check :sad: but it was hitting in casuals so i presume so) 6B cancels into special moves, most importantly A-Guts upper (f,d,d/f+A) which then can be super cancelled for good damage.
More importantly the overhead can be Baroque cancelled for big damage.
While as it has amazing range and you can throw 6B out during a string, due to the start up of the move you can be hit out of it (I have been and subsequentley combo’d to death) so it is best to use your assist to cover yourself during 6B’s startup.
Any block string eg: 2A, 2A, 2B, 2C, Ryu assist, then mix up between: going Overhead (6B, A-Guts upper xx super) / (6B, Baroque into combo listed in my previous posts) or go Low (dash, 2A, 2A into combo).
Always hit confirm these where possible to stop you from wasting baroque or meter. Doing 6B, Baroque, 2A, 2A into combo is safe, hit confirmable and if it lands it’s big damage however it will waste your baroque if the opponent blocks high then low straight away.
Another good thing is block strings into moves with fast recovery. Bring out your assist at the end of your block string then whilst the assist keeps them in block stun do: u/f then asap A+B+C (air dash) into j.B for a crossup into combo of choice.
— I’ll double check all of this tonight just for clarity’s sake.
Another thing.
Say you have used your assist for a mix up opportunity already and you’ve been blocked, you now have no assist and you can see that they have blocked your 2A, 2A, 2B you can commit to a 2C xx QCB+A, now you can be hit during the start up of QCB+A but it is an overhead that can be cancelled into super then tag super for safety, but (i’m 90% sure - will check) QCB+A is safe on block.
Oh also, throw is you friend during any of this pressure madness, instead of air dashing in with j.B just land and throw, after dash, 2A just stop and throw.
Pushblock can wreck some of your block strings but you can shorten them where necessary, don’t forget they can’t pushblock if one of your mix ups hit for pushblock happy players just throw them (akin to 3s lol).
I used ippatsuman as part of my team just cuz of his baseball swing super lol.
it does a crap ton of damage as a DHC with batsu midscreen. maybe I’ll post a vid later. but it does 50% or more damage off a very easy combo:
with batsu mid-screen:
5B, 2B, 5C, 2C xx fireball super xx ippatsuman baseball swing
I liked using ippatsuman but his assist kinda sucks.
I use Ippatsuman/Polymar as well as Ryu/batsu.
Ippatsuman has an amazing st.B, it hits crouched twice while moving forwards. But yeah I don’t like his assist either. He does look awesome though.
Looking forward to trying out some more Batsu stuff tonight, might even make myself a nice new batsu icon for SRK.
Ok, so I have my new Av and everything I said in earlier posts is confirmed, just had a ton of matches and a lot of it is very useful.
QCB+A is safe on block.
One thing I found out was that in regards to this I said earlier:
If you do:
2A, 2A, 2B, 2C, assist (so they don’t hit you out of the startup), QCB+A xx Baroque! into combo of choice. Canceling safe overhead QCB+A into baroque keeps them grounded and with the assist there is no way they can interrupt.
EDIT: Another thing, A-guts upper (f,d,d/f+A) cancels and combos into zenkai guts upper as normal strings don’t, which is good if you wanna get that extra damage and launch blowing meter as you have no assist or the range is too far for 3C to connect.
Hey your baroque tip gave me an idea just now.
a way you can confirm the baroque as an overhead is to use 6B then do his flame uppercut. if his overhead hits, baroque the 1st hit of the flame upper and you have a free ground combo
Yes you will hit confirm but sadly unlike QCB+A - 6B xx flame uppercut isn’t safe when blocked. So if someone see’s it coming you’ll either get punished for big damage or have to waste baroque to stay safe.
You can however string into QCB+A and hit confirm it (hard) as baroque is only one input (2 buttons simultaneous) into 2A, if it’s blocked don’t enter baroque and your safe.
yea you’re right. the 3 hits on qcb+A is more than plenty of time to confirm.
I didn’t realize flame uppercut would leave you so wide open
Big news!
batsu has Tardy Counter!
Whilst in block stun press 6B and he’ll gain super armor and 6B through what they are doing! If it hits it guarantees follow ups! Will test it tonight.
Tardy counter was a feature all Rival Schools characters had where they could do moves in block stun.
Yea me and some friends found this out a few days ago. Seems pretty good in some cases.
Tardy counter? No way, that’s so awesome!
Pretty awesome they would choose to include something like that for him.
If I land a Zenkai Guts Upper in the corner, can I follow it with the corner combo that kaworu_scott posted?
This one:
*Advanced stuff.
In the corner you can do stuff like, BnB into d/f+C jump then nearly immediately do a C fireball and let it hit as late as possible, falling j.B, land, j.B, j.B xx C fireball, falling j.A double jump j.B, j.B xx C fireball, Partner, Land, j.B, j.B xx C fireball, falling j.A double jump j.B, j.B xx C fireball xx Super.*
Obviously replacing df + C with Zenkai Guts Upper
Is his Tardy counter fast or slow? I hope its slow otherwise that gives him too much an advantage imo. Even though Im looking to main him.
It’s slow but on CH you get a combo, smart players won’t get hit by it as they’ll be hitting the quick strings for the hit confirm and will just block the Tardy Counter on reaction easily (like goukifafa has been doing to me) especially as it has the special ball effects and a big japanese character appears when he does it.
Very limited use. Sadly.
I have been hammering Batsu/Ryu and while i love Batsu unconditionally it’s so much easier to net big damage with Ryu, it’s all in the tiers.
Sadly not, Zenkai Guts Upper is a very different launch to d/f+C. Trying a meaty fireball will just give them time to tech, you have to follow zenkai with sj.B j.B dj.B, B-fireball xx super or whatever ender you wish.
Great thanks, I kept getting it at random when I got to play the game, but wasn’t sure how I was doing it. I almost thought I was doing like a qcb, 5 motion, which would make sense.
Does he have it on another move too? I think I saw that orange kanji flash for two different moves that acted like a counter.
6C does it aswell, it does his elbow but it’s rubbish.