TAG Monthly XLVII 6/16

whens the next one?

April 14th

So April 14 for AE between 1:00 - 1:30 you can sign up? No SFxT at all?!?!?

Yes you can sign up between 1 and 1:30

For SFxT, i wont be running a tourney for it this time, but if someone brings it you guys can set it up for friendlies when there is no tourney happening.

I’ve been sick all week, so I have no idea if I’ll be able to make it this Saturday.

well i hope to see you there

Is it alright if i bring my 360, Ae, UMVC3, and SFXT?

Of course!

Thanks to all who attended and helped make this tournament fun!

Next tourney date updated!

Bump for this week! Wooooooooo!

Cool so it’s goin down this Saturday??


Cool.So what’s the tourney format for Ultimate Marvel3…2/3,3/5 or what?Curious

2/3 until Winner’s and Grand Finals which is 3/5.

Double Elimination.

Wow,that was fast.Haha.Thanx

Bring Setup!

Well if I came out of course I waz gonna bring my own controller(Pad Player) but what else,talkin bout a system(360) and the game too??

I can bring my xbox monitor/marvel setup. It can also be used to play AE or Skullgirls.

There’s typically at least one of each system there. Bringing a setup would be most appreciated no matter what the system however.