every industry seems pretty wasteful, i’ll throw out like $200 worth in video games a week at work
it satisfies me to see world of warcraft go into the trash compactor though so i guess it’s worth it
every industry seems pretty wasteful, i’ll throw out like $200 worth in video games a week at work
it satisfies me to see world of warcraft go into the trash compactor though so i guess it’s worth it
I try not to eat a lot of fast food but come on. 88 cents?
Because Mr. Pibb reminds people of Dr. Pepper which is 23 flavors of shit.
There are no places to get a good Taco or Burrito in England.
Prove me wrong.
“real taco? bell employess psshhh don’t believe? it. people who look that good don’t work at taco bell”
88 percent premium beef…nah im good on taco bell even before the sand saga…
I haven’t eaten here since I learned that, I love Taco Bell Tacos and all but I don’t really want to eat sand.
If they fix it cool, if not then Taco Cabana or any Mexican restaurant here (A LOT) will get my services instead.
People hating on sand.
Im sure you guys eat some disgusting stuff and dont even know it.
Well yeah of course, but sand kinda crosses the line for me personally. I’m fine with pink paste Mcnuggets, I’m fine with dropped chicken and shit, and I eat Sushi, Calamari and the like.
But I dunno, sand reminds me of the beach, and the beach is usually bad memories of kids pissing and shitting out in front of people in the water/sand and disgusting ass stuff like that. Fucking Texas.
It’s not sand. It’s silicone dioxide. Sand is made of silicone dioxide in the same way that water is made of H2O. You can’t have minute amounts of it and realistically call it sand. That’s just misleading.
its all chemistry yo… lol
ive had mexican food a few times in my life, and couldnt manage to enjoy any of them. guess its just not my taste.
what meat?
$0.88 crunchwrap supremes!!!
WOW really
I just realized that I haven’t had Toxic Hell in exactly 3 weeks. If I haven’t had any prior to the 9th I would’ve/could’ve said I was giving it up for Lent.
I usually have the stuff twice a week. =\
why not just…u know…make ur own tacos like a normal person?
I only eat at Taco Bell when no other options are available, or if somebody takes me there and pays for it, or occasionally when they have those 5 tacos for 4 bucks deals, or whatever.
And I hate that America gets hotter hot sauce than Canada. Seriously, gtfo with that mild garbage you try passing off as hot
I got food poisoning from them.
Same man. My friends were out the other day and they stopped there abd I was like “nahhhhh I’m straight” and I went next door to Jimmy Johns to get a submarine sandwich. I’d honestly rather go to the grimy hole in the wall Mexican place to get food than Taco Bell now.
I never really eat Taco Bell because the local flavor of Mexican food (made by real Mexicans!) is way better than that garbage.
I think we get the same shit as you do. Their hottest sauce is weak as fuck.
Uh pretty sure any restaurant you eat at has food made by real mexicans.
My room mate ate nothing but taco bell to save money and because it was on campus.
She stopped after about a week when she started shitting blood.