Who are you? A post-09’er with a limited vocabulary and terrible posting habits.
Can your autistic brain come up with something better? Prolly not; inhibits the ability to make a good post, but doesn’t inhibit the frequency in which you make posts at.
He who is whiter than a Nova Scotian snow storm, deluded into believing GD likes him. You’re like the village idiot around here; everyone knows who you are, they just avoid you at all costs. In other words, a genuine shit poster who’s less entertaining than Beguiled.
Get out of here before I cut your white skin off and use it as toilet paper . Trust me on this, you don’t want to know how severe my stools are :wasted:
hey beta I was the first to show some respect. And I can verify you actually leave the house which is more than I could say about these people attempting to berate you