i told you guys they shoulda killed that bitch bella
Hit it…then throw her down the stairs.
Stevenson is a demon…calling it.
why does the stupid headcop have to be black
cause he’s possessed?
lol @ shot the sheriff joke.
he was only possessed for 5 minutes. he just said so.
its cuz hes black
hey be happy he didnt die first. the most badass guys in this show so far beyond the brothers have been black. fbi agent tracking them without them knowing at all for months…thats ninja shit.
this was yellow eyes
she is higher than him on the demon tier i think
edit: never mind i see azazel is actually roughly equal to beelzebub and lucifer
:u: In some scriptures, Lilith was Adam’s first wife, who was banished from Eden because she was a sexual deviant (she wanted to be on top. Yeah, I know. Sacrilegious. ).
Anyway, I have no idea what this has to do with tonight’s episode, since it isn’t on yet, so don’t tell me.
jewish religion believes in lilith from what i understand.
wonder who the old black dude is.
edit: OH SHIT I would never imagined her in that appearance.
god damn
lilith goes hard
Looks like its 2 back to back episodes tonight, one new and old.
Also, is it me, or is the Trickster starting to developing an anti-hero persona?(“Dean is your weakness Sam, I know it, and so do the bad guys”) Hopefully we’ll see more of him in the coming season.
reminded me of Q from star trek. what happens when your a god i guess lol.
First you mess with people then you get tired of that and try and improve them.
I was hoping that Hendrickson would last another episode…but I guess not.
I was hoping really he would become a hunter along with dean and sam but well there goes that.
Azazel literally means hell in hebrew. trust me I know…
Azazel (Sayan) (?zaz?l) is believed to mean “God has been strong” or “God strengthens” from Hebrew ?zaz, third person singular past participial form of ?zaz, “to be strong”
no it doesn’t trust me i know.
We have lillith, now wheres Morrigan? Hm, I wonder what that virgin would look like dressed up as Felicia…
“When I get out of here, I am going to have as much sex as I possibly can”.
(gets stared at by her fellow cop)
“Not with you”
I wonder if they will really kill Bella when they find her. Every time she sends them a diversion, they almost end up dead…
Fuck every episode (even the funny ones where they stumble upon cases) they nearly end up dead. At least Bella is eye candy, I am figuring Bella will be revealed to be something of a good guy later on, she is to interesting of a foil to kill off in one season unless this is the last.
I like the twist at the end of this episode, but I was digging the Nancy with her cute geekish looks. When she said the line about sex, I was right there with the deputy… :sad: … right there.
Why did it retake me watching the bank episode to realize that the actor playing Hendrickson has constantly been channeling Denzel in nearly every episode he has been in? Even the banter about dinner sounded like something they’d have Denzel say.