Another one.
And now it seems to be working again.
It says in the chat window if you try to chat, that its disable in game to reduce lag.
Even with the supercade’s current weirdness, at least it, you know, works.
GGPO is still down.
People have to realize that most of the problems that GGPO has is related to how popular it is.
I love damdai for building/updating supercade as it’s also a very good platform for 2d fighters, but if supercade were to have as many users as GGPO, I think it’s gonna have the same issue (won’t connect games on 1st try).
And if supercade is the biggest match making service in NA, it’s gonna be a target by the hackers like GGPO too.
Anyway, I’m glad that there is supercade. It seems like all the PSN & GGPO heads are on supercade for the past few days.
EDIT: not sure if it’s related to the sudden increase of users, but I’m having problems connecting… I’m stuck at this screen when trying to connect to EvoAnon & TecmoSuperBowl.
Also, clicking on a username to challenge and the window seems to freeze for 10 secs before the window will launch, although you can still see the chat.
Connections will never fail due to increased usage because connections don’t go through the server as they do in GGPO.
I am aware of the freezing. In my experience it always resumes after a minute max. I’ll fix the problem tomorrow.
dj, replay was corrupted for some reason. sorry about that.
Man, Supercade has been awesome. GGPO seems to never to work consistently. I created a new account, and after a few days I can log in… AGAIN.
I am starting to play again, REALLY rusty, but it is nice to have something that works.
Yes, but can you log into your blogspot account? :bgrin:
Glad to know. I guess the reason is you don’t have to deal with spectating, right? If that can be added and still scale well, that would be quite an accomplishment ^^
I just launch sc today and noticed that you updated the client again. Can’t beat that support. But my windows is stuck at this screen after I login.
Is it just me? If yes, how do I fix it?
Thanks damgo.
Uh and now I’m freezing with the initializing at the top left. This didn’t happen ever until I just updated.
Was updating client and server.
I actually talked to John about this. I am going to continue my blog (through the forum threads) and put a lot of my stuff on his site.
I feel the ST community needs to really pull together to keep the game alive.
It if funny though, I can feel the time of I have taken from ST (OVER TWO YEARS). I am SO rusty. I can see what to do, and even where to do it. But, (1) my timing is WAY off, and (2) making my hands do what my brain wants them to do is proving harder due to my ‘ring rust,’ LOL. So many Yoga-Fires are coming out as Yoga-Flames, which has ended many of my games quickly lately!
But, I f*kcin’ love Damdai for bringing the scene Supercade. It is an awesome platform for the game. And it works with great consistently for the time being.
Yeah I was playing djfree on GGPO and there were 5 specs. Loving the connection strain there.
welp, ggpo is dead now so supercade over ggpo online, yep. maannn…
^^^^ What do you mean? Is ggpo really gone. I haven’t logged on in a bit.
Ponder says he’s working on a new version. I hope it gets back. Supercade has worked great for me, but often I have issues timing attacks correctly, specially after whiffed SRKs and when using anti-airs. I so wish I had offline competition… Can’t even stand up to block Blanka’s balls and counter, or walk up towards booms and not get hit.
Edit: just to fair, it is not that different with GGPO. No net code turns online into a cab.
Maybe cause now he’s getting outclassed? lol j/k
After this last update, I couldn’t connect to anyone. It would launch game, but then the winners don’t do drugs logo would never pop up, and the game wouldn’t start.
EDIT: Good lord there was at least 3 or 4 ggpo yuppies bashing supercade in that thread.
I get a lot of dropped inputs on supercade unfortunately.
Specs only lag when they connect and disconnect. Aren’t you on wireless? Not to mention dj’s mexican internet sucks ass and I’m in Texas like 150 miles from him and it’s still shitty at times. There is no connection strain.
Right, so when the connection gets worse while 5 people are squatting on the match, its my imagination?
No, once they connect it should be fine, so it’s probably you’re wireless if they’ve already connected.
No I saw the issue when I was wired before my ethernet card stopped working. If it was one maybe two specs there wasn’t any noticeable change. However, if it got to 3 or more, the connection gets worse. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t have this issue on supercade. It feels like to me, that supercade is more stable than GGPO, but that’s my own experience with the two.