Super Turbo Revival in ... TORONTO ...?

Saturday the 20th is the projected date now.

I’ll be there at around 5:30ish. I won’t need to leave early though.

Gonna have to scrap this one. I got weekend errands to do as I’m leaving for Canada Cup on Monday night.

No problem, I also have errands, but I’ve been putting some of these off for thousands of years and I need to get them done.

Finally i replaced the power supply. Board wasn’t busted phew the only thing i cant get working is the sound… But i think im just not wiring it up properly. Ill just do a bit more research and figure it out… otherwise my goal for getting thesetup working again by january seems very likely.

Alright, so i basically just said f* it and just plugged in the rca cables directly into the arcade board…
Now i just gotta do the pinouts for the db-15 and we should be all set

Edit: all working… Just missing that 1 part which makes the image clearer… But its totally playable now… The actual arcade power supply did wonders… Never using a cheap computer power supply again…

I also mapped a service button to the player 1 controller so we can inser coins without touching the setup

You wont be able to access it if youre using the playstation converter though

Another progress update: the credit button now works with the converter

I received a couple of texts from Kenny regarding the board, the first one stated that the board is operational but that Wednesdays would no longer be appropriate for casuals.

The second text was a confirmation from Kenny to probably one of you guys about an alternate day of the week for casuals.

I didn’t get the in-between text, so when are we gonna super turbo?

Keeping in mind that I’m probably not gonna be able to attend the majority of these gatherings except maybe certain Sundays when I have afternoon shift for the next day.

I didn’t send an in-between text the text was “trying to find another meetup place that fits my schedule better” the text got cut off between the word “place” and “that”

so that second message wasn’t a confirmation…

I’m looking at that seneca pub meetup. they meet on Tuesdays. I can’t start until york’s winter semester (because I have class on Tuesdays until 10p, now as well) but starting january, as long as nothing changes about my school or work schedule I should be ok.

I posted on that tournament thread (the one at seneca pub on Nov 17, a saturday) to see if they have room for a casual station, but no reply. I’m going to PM the thread starter tonight or tomorrow if they don’t reply by then.[Nov 17,2012-Toronto] Team Turmoil @ Seneca Pub! - UMvC3/AE/GG:AC Teams

Alright, they said they can most likely accomodate us. So for now, nov 17 is a go.

I’ll go if I get a ride…

Bring your video capture card… It might work now that i have a new power supply.

I should be down for this.

I’ll do my best to make it out.

Unessential, what time are you getting there?

I’m aiming to get there when they start at 12:00 but maybe I’ll be late… My goal is 12 though.

So yeah I’ll be there for sure.

Brett I’ll give you a lift there but gas moneys would be nice.

It is on for this Saturday?


Do I need to bring anything? I’m bringing my stick as I may enter Marvel teams but I can bring recording equipment.

I need 1 extra stick from someone for sure. (like before). and recording equipment is a bonus. Other than that I don’t need anything else… Thanks Brett.