Super Turbo revival in Southern California at Super Arcade

Yeah, right… :rolleyes:

ST is a man’s game. And maybe also for those 2 Japanese girls that play as Chun, but that’s about it. You gotta grow strength, manliness, aggressiveness, violence, that sort of thing.

I’ve been saying this for years: “It is not enough to screw girls: you must do it like a man.”

wico 360’s are not stiff like you think. ask mtsackid or para-do what they think since they both frequent the place and both seem to think they work great. iono… cant hate on something youve never seen or used…

I ask that whoever tests these, please post his impressions. To this day, I have still not adapted to Japanese sticks, and my IL one can’t be anchored cos the stick case where it is mounted sucks.

lol excuse my ignorance i only know happ comp and p360. i thought wico 360 = p360

either way, that’s very good news

The sticks in the ST cab are basically loose P360s. At home, and at most arcades, I play on Japanese sticks, but the sticks that are on the ST cab at Super Arcade are perfectly fine. Basically, the switches cannot be felt, and they have the throw of a normal 8-way American (maybe slightly shorter distance).

In short: They’re awesome! Thanks Watts!

st tomorrow (saturday) night!!

me, papercut and maybe synco will be there. i look forward to playing some real offline st

I’ll bring my puppy, and wear her in a back pack while i play.

I think a parrot would suit you better. You can teach it to say, “Braawwk, you lost because you messed up a complicated super setup when a regular typhoon would have sufficed… BRAAWWWK!!”


Why bother to play if it’s not complicated? No one remembers the boring wins. If I had the choice to win or go for the fancy super, I’d go for the super any day.

Hey Dngr, Moocus and Synco, you guys going for sure today if so what time? Offline sounds fun.

looks like we’re going to try and shoot for around 9 pm.

You guys down to grab some muffins along the way?

where you at muffin?

Off of Jefferson and Crenshaw. Is it on the way???

In torrence?

Nah. By the 10 freeway at Crenshaw.

PM me the google maps. I’ll see what I can do.


just got back from a long session. stick is fixed and legit, competition is legit. EVERYONE should come out. no more excuses. showcase cab, legit controls, good competition. bring your ass out. nuff said.

who’s nuff?