Super Turbo revival in Southern California at Super Arcade

Tonight is going to be soooo fun. I imagine it will be like playing hopscotch while riding unicorns, with girls with huge titties everywhere that dispense whiskey when you suck on the nipples. :smiley:

Itā€™s a pretty accurate description of what playing ST on a cab feels like, lol.

anyone planning on going tonight??

Please take SBO quals away from Tennessee kthnx signed - a Vegas resident.

Iā€™m compelled to make a visit from nyc to cali to verse ST pros.

One problem though, I never been to Cali ever. do I need a car/taxi to get to super arcade opposed to the convenient public transportation system here in nyc?

If someone here is kind enough to arrange specific directions to get to Walnut CA, I will return the favor upon arrival.

Super Arcade
1211 N Grand Ave
Walnut, CA 91789

twitter :!/SuperDojo

mon-thurs 10am-12am
friday 10am-1am
saturday 12pm-1am
sunday 1pm-11pm

  • Please note that when the arcade is packed, Watson will stay much more later than usual

let me know when you make it to Super Arcade, Id bet you could probably take the bus ( only like 3 bucks round way I believe ), I would love to play some ST heads from NYC

PS anyone down for some ST tomorrow night?
I get off my internship and imma need to unwind with some Guile beatdowns

did the showcase cab ever get japanese parts put on it? i want to come back for st, but the anniversary edition cab is a little too cramped.

+1 on switching the showcase cab to Japanese parts. Those little cabs was cool when I was in the 6th grade, but Iā€™ve put on a few pounds since then.

As of last Wednesday, the showcase cab still had american partsā€¦not sure if itā€™s changed since then or not. Itā€™s not too bad once you get used to it, and playing HF on american sticks just feels sooo nostalgic.

after much thought
i just hope for better 360ā€™s
if you think about it, playing with japanese sticks on an upright standing position would be very awkward

The current sticks have something wrong with the diagonals. their really far apart.

Being in an upright position is awkward in generalā€¦I canā€™t do it. I just grab whatever red chair is lying around, even if I have steal one from the corner of the arcade.

Yeah, Iā€™ve heard several guys complain about the american sticks. The diagonals are not really at the edge where you think theyā€™d be, but more closer to the ā€˜forwardā€™ and ā€˜backā€™ positions. Itā€™s pretty disconcerting to think you have a charge, and then you end up eating a fireball to the face because youā€™re not in defensive crouch. You get used to it after awhile, but hopefully theyā€™ll have them changed out.

Well this settles it, then! Iā€™m moving to California.

Do any of you know of an unlocked shed or dry hole I can sleep in?

Also do you have any advice on avoiding deportation as an illegal immigrant and scavenging for food in an urban setting???

I know of a holeā€¦ but Iā€™m reluctant to divulge into its exact whereabouts until Iā€™m certain that you are serious.

filling holes is my SPECIALTY :sunglasses:

hey i usually play during weds and fridays there were a good 4-5 ppl playing tonight during wnfs (i was the black chun player)

anyone down for an ST challenge at one of the upcoming WNF??
maybe Watson can stream some of it ( which would be cool )

Iā€™m down for it. Iā€™m down for any organized ST action at Super Arcade as long as we can get a pretty consistent group to show up.

If we can get ST on a decent working japanese cabinet im in